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Topic: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE (Read 11718 times) previous topic - next topic
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New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Two new community ISOs are available for download and testing. Feel free to post any comments, suggestions, fixes and complaints here.

Thanks to @Nadir and the anonymous tester that provided an extensive email with suggestions for the first MATE community ISO and to P3d3f for testing and debugging the first Plasma/LXQt ISO.

1. Calamares has been updated and can now install correctly a fully encrypted filesystem.
2. The issue with mkinitcpio.conf blocking installation has (hopefully) been fixed.
3. A udev rule has been implemented that sets the kernel I/O scheduler depending on the disk type (rotational or solid state).
4. Both versions feature now a fully uniform GTK/QT look! A new package has been created, artix-dark-theme also available from [galaxy], that takes care of that and can be installed separately. A bonus Plasma splash screen is included.
5. Pacman frontends are there, pamac for GTK and octopi for QT.

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #1

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #2

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #3
Nice work, thankyou.  :)

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #4
I installed the KDE ISO last week its top notch work, just 320mb ram at start-up.

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #5
With regards to Plasma, have they fixed the bug in Dolphin that prevents file transfers to and from Android phones? I know there's a work around by using KDE connect but I prefer to use the file manager to transfer files.

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #6
Small bug (possibly).
If one starts the live session with a non-latin alphabet and the screensaver kicks in due to inactivity, on lightdm there is no keyboard switching button or shortcut programmed for switching keyboards, so artix can not be entered to return to the session.  I believe you can add this button on the customized lightdm screen or have a shortcut to flip between keyboards (I use l-alt l-shift).
This was on the earlier Mate-live not the newer ones.

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #7
With regards to Plasma, have they fixed the bug in Dolphin that prevents file transfers to and from Android phones? I know there's a work around by using KDE connect but I prefer to use the file manager to transfer files.

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #8
Small bug (possibly).
If one starts the live session with a non-latin alphabet and the screensaver kicks in due to inactivity, on lightdm there is no keyboard switching button or shortcut programmed for switching keyboards, so artix can not be entered to return to the session.  I believe you can add this button on the customized lightdm screen or have a shortcut to flip between keyboards (I use l-alt l-shift).
This was on the earlier Mate-live not the newer ones.
This is a known issue, and it also affects calamares. Selecting a non-latin layout at installation, without having setup the keyboard layouts in the DE settings, will only allow localized input in the setup fields (passwords etc). This could be worked around with a dynamic /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-keyboard-layout.conf, but it would also add unnecessary, error-prone complexity, not KISS at all.

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #9
I am going to test it right now.

The previous ISOs failed booting on a small 10"   2-in-1 netbook  ASUS - Transformer Book T101HA-GR041T.

The only distro that currenlty are able to boot & successfully install  that I tested on that device: 
- Ubuntu ( erk ;-( )
- ArcoLinux --> currenlty installed in dual boot. They are doing very good work around that distro, I think Artix project might learn or share a few things from them ;-)
  (Except their ISO & the installed system are bloated, Artix is the best about that)

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #10
Hi, here is a  report of install in 2-in-1 netbook  ASUS Transformer Book T101HA-GR041T.

The artix-lxqt-openrc-gremlins-20190222-x86_64.iso ISO does not work.
You have to be patient, because all along it feels like it crashed. fortunately I forgot the tablet for a few minutes, just to find out that actually you can get into the ISO boot menu if you wait something like 5-6min on a black screen (1rst image)

On this ISO menu, if you happen to choose to change the the kbd layout, it freeezes.

if you try to boot, you will have to wait on a frozen screen for 4-5 minutes  before the boot happens.

Until it definitively fails.

I have to mention that when I try with ArcoLinux or Ubuntu, the ISO boot menu appears quickly, and you can actually install it after ISO booted. ArcoLinux is Arch based. They are almost the only ISO that boot (with Antergos, it boots but install fails at reboot)

(more on next post)

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #11
Here another report of install in 2-in-1 netbook  ASUS Transformer Book T101HA-GR041T.

The artix-plasma-lxqt-openrc-community-20190601-x86_64.iso ISO boots, but You have to be patient, because all along it feels like it crashed.

  • if you wait something like 5-6min on a black screen (1rst image)  you can get into the ISO boot menu   
  • you can boot,  you will have to wait on a frozen screen for 4-5 minutes  before the boot happens. 
  •   I thought boot crashed like the other ISO, but no, it reached the sddm menu! 
  •   I managed to get into LXDE & KDE 

Currnly system is a dualboot arcolinux/win10, I will have to go further and  take 30min to try installing Artix on this.

Desktop reached.

So for unknow reason, the community ISOs work better than the initial.

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #12
@Nadir If you press <E> at the grub screen when on "From CD/DVD/ISO", you'll get to the kernel command line. There, you can change "checksum=y" to "checksum=n", which skips the built-in verification of the ISO and speeds up boot time considerably.

Re: New ISOs - Plasma/LXQt and MATE/LXDE

Reply #13
Ok, thanks.
I just reported that because a random user will consider it failed because of the initial black screen (before the boot menu).

I finally installed the LXQT/KDE ISO, it works great.
it replaced Arco linux/systemd - compared to Arco linux I won 3Gb on the installed system.


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