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Topic: [Solved] Desktop Icon missing text (Read 602 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Solved] Desktop Icon missing text

I am currently having a issue with the desktop icons having missing text on my Lenovo Ideapad 110S with Artix Linux Open RC base with Cinnamon as the only operating system on it. I installed it a few days ago. I know it is only cosmetic, but it is very annoying for me.  It also affects the lock screen for Cinnamon. I also checked the Cinnamon page on the arch wiki for this problem, it wasn't there.  Here is some screenshots. I wonder if it is to do with some packages.

Re: Desktop Icon missing text

Reply #1
Turns out that it was the xf86-video-intel driver that was causing Cinnamon issues. I read the arch wiki on how to install the Cinnamon x apps on the Cinnamon page, then I saw a note which was saying that using Cinnamon with the xf86-video-intel driver can cause Cinnamon issues. If you are reading this and having screen issues with Cinnamon on intel graphics, make sure the xf86-video-intel package is not installed, if it is uninstall it and it will most likely fix the issue. For more information go to this page on the arch wiki.

Type this command in the to uninstall xf86-video-intel driver.

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Rs xf86-video-intel


Re: [Solved] Desktop Icon missing text

Reply #2
Thanks for troubleshooting and reporting, I'm sure others will be helped.