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Topic: no network interfase after partial migration (Read 2138 times) previous topic - next topic
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no network interfase after partial migration

 Hi, My migration from Arch linux was not completed and i was left with a broken arch linux, i deleted glibc with help i was told to donwload glibc and intall it again i did that and also installed openrc, the system boot now but i dont have internet working so i can not complete the migration,

my network interfase was enp2s0
if i do ifconfig enp2s0 up it say:
enp2s0:ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device

if i do ls /sys/class/net i get this:

if i try for example ping -c3 i get this
ping: System error

if i type nmtui i get this:
Network manager is not working

how can i solve this?


Re: no network interfase after partial migration

Reply #1
this system seems to be too broken to be atempted to fix.  Why would you delete glibc? 

Re: no network interfase after partial migration

Reply #2
Hi There has to be a way of fixing it,
i can download the packages i need and install them with pacman -u but it would take a lot of time
 glibc is installed now and working also the kernel boot, how can i t be in a state that can not be recovered?

Re: no network interfase after partial migration

Reply #3
adcdam: can you tell something more about your system?

inxi -Fv7

So is possible to understand which ethernet interface do you have and to try to recover :)

How do you managed the partition of your HD? The home directory is managed alone?
Which is you gui environment? KDE, Gnome, XFCS, LXQT...

Now its late but tomorrow I can try to understand something more. Maybe we'll be lucky... :)

Re: no network interfase after partial migration

Reply #4

here you can see also a video of my system booting
the migration to artix was not completed
i had to use gparted do dowload some packages and i installed them with pacman -U
i istalled glibc, openrc linux-lts dhcpcd-openrc and some more packages
i dont use any desktop just bspwm tilling window manager i use also console display manager
im sure the system can be fixed in some way at least it boot.

in the pics the important parts of:

inix -Fv7 does nothing

Re: no network interfase after partial migration

Reply #5
First consideration: I don't understand how you installed program using gparted; its a software to partition the disk not to download the packages, but now its not a matter.
Looking you boot you miss the ntp daemon, we'll look later and the ethernet card firmware. Looking your lspci command it report that you card is a realtek, but it report 3 model. Its strange that its not supported directly from the kernel, but this is another question. We can imagine to install the firmware autonomously.
Before to proceed, try with "dmesg | grep rtl" to understand which is the message registered in the log, maybe that it report us the correct model of the internet card.

So, do the coomand "dmesg | grep rtl" and look if it report you the correct model 8411, 8111 or 8168.

To install the driver you have to install:

sudo pacman -S linux-lts-headers dkms yaourt

I hope that the the base development set of the Artix program is installed, otherwise will do.

After the previous command and after the dmesg message report, you can install one of this firmware from the AUR repo:
8168: yaourt -S r8168-dkms
8111: yaourt - S rtl8821au-dkms-git (probably this will be compiled)
8411: yaourt -S rts_bpp-dkms-git (probably this will be compiled).

Good luck and if you'll be able to complete this step, to repair the ntp probelm will be more simple.

A question: do you install your home directory in a different partition?
If yes, shall be more simple to reinstall the system from the scratch WITHOUT formatting the home partition. All your data will be maintained.

Re: no network interfase after partial migration

Reply #6
Hi Francesco thanks a lot, i used partedmagic iso just to download the packages i needed from here
i downloaded from there glibc and openrc that i needed because my system didnt boot after deleting glibc.
from the live partedmagic i copy the packages to my root partition and i did tar Jxvf to the packages.
After reistalling glibc and openrc my system  booted but i noticed that i didnt have any network interface,today i was able to chroot using your guide and installed:
 base base-devel openrc-system grub linux-lts linux-lts-headers
after reboot i did
ip link
and enp2s0 appear also i tried ping -c 3
so i have a network interface now, so the system was fixable after all
thanks a lot!!


Re: no network interfase after partial migration

Reply #7
Hi There has to be a way of fixing it,

That may or may not be true but why attempt it.  Your system will continue to be a mishmash and broken forever.  Just remove whatever data you need from it and wipe it clean and do a fresh install.