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Topic: Cannot login to KDE [solved] (Read 1461 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cannot login to KDE [solved]

I have just migrated from existing arch setup.
I use sddm as DM and I cannot login to kde. I have installed base, base devel, runit, sddm-runit, network-manager runit, elogind-runit and dbus-runit and enabled those services.

After entering the password on sddm, I get an error could not sync environment to dbus. please help. Thanks.

Re: Cannot login to KDE

Reply #1
Migration is tricky. I would suggest trying to reinstall as many QT/KDE packages as you can and make sure get the ones from Artix's repos and not Arch's repos. There might be some weird mismatch here.

Re: Cannot login to KDE

Reply #2
I have just migrated from existing arch setup.
I use sddm as DM and I cannot login to kde. I have installed base, base devel, runit, sddm-runit, network-manager runit, elogind-runit and dbus-runit and enabled those services.

After entering the password on sddm, I get an error could not sync environment to dbus. please help. Thanks.

Which method did you use? The wiki's or

I suggest you clear your package cache and do a full update from the Artix repos, to make sure you got our packages:
Code: [Select]
# pacman -Scc
# pacman -Sy base base-devel
# pacman -Su

Re: Cannot login to KDE

Reply #3
There was also case with migration when the user had to reinstall all Arch packages by the ones provided by Artix to get system working, I believe it is mentioned in our wiki.


Re: Cannot login to KDE

Reply #5
I ran pacman -Sl system | grep installed | cut -d" " -f2 | sudo pacman -S -
once again. now it got fixed itself.