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Topic: [CLOSED] Help needed for Plasma/Qt6 (Read 976 times) previous topic - next topic
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[CLOSED] Help needed for Plasma/Qt6

As many users have noticed, we don't build weekly Plasma and Community-Qt ISOs since the plasma5-to-plasma6 update. The reason is our awesome artix-dark-theme doesn't work well with plasma6 and needs fixing, but my free time is extremely limited nowadays, not to mention I don't use Plasma myself.

>Why not use adwaita-dark instead?
Because consistency is important: artix-dark is warmer and gentler to the eyes.

>What must be done?
Update artix-dark work well with plasma 6. Either adjust existing files to new theme format or use an existing, working plasma 6 theme and edit it into artix-dark colors.


Re: Help needed for Plasma/Qt6

Reply #1
As many users have noticed, we don't build weekly Plasma and Community-Qt ISOs since the plasma5-to-plasma6 update. The reason is our awesome artix-dark-theme doesn't work well with plasma6 and needs fixing, but my free time is extremely limited nowadays, not to mention I don't use Plasma myself.

>Why not use adwaita-dark instead?
Because consistency is important: artix-dark is warmer and gentler to the eyes.

>What must be done?
Update artix-dark work well with plasma 6. Either adjust existing files to new theme format or use an existing, working plasma 6 theme and edit it into artix-dark colors.


This totally not a good solution to meddle with global themes. Lave global themes as they are and create an new one KDE  themming style/programing - called Artix-Plasma. Users will click and use whichever they want, instead of being stuck with whatever creator wanted with other default KDE Themes broken.

As for Kate etc. It has its own "internal themes" (like you have sepia/solar/nord reader iside text etc). Don't break KDE's default thmes and don't force anything on user. When user will click they will have global themes in kde applied, not black text on black or something invisible. This is how it works in KDE ( I can only assume you are not KDE user....). Anyway people will flood forum with posts "artix broke KDE theming" and you will answer "nothing is broken/won't fix". But still clicking on any "global thme" in KDE will be broken. Not worth to just have dark interior in Kate (make the theme plugin to Kate separately just like they have sepia/nord/solar etc if you want for your personal use...).

People will do anything they want and can make their own setting  and  enjoy their own themming. Who cares if Kate is white inside and you can't figure it out. Chill out. Less eye strain, just like a book from 100 yeas ago (or maybe its now yellow...;).

Text rendering works better with black on white anwyay (not with "gray on gray").

FYI: there's breeze twighlight and you can mix and match (white inside dark panels etc.) If you meddle with it, all global themes will go down the drain. Leave it as is. and relax. Take chill pill. People will do whatever they want since they use Artix anyway (not systemd) so they will figure it on their own what they like. Focus on quality (CPU usage and RAM usage).


Re: Help needed for Plasma/Qt6

Reply #2
This totally not a good solution to meddle with global themes. Lave global themes as they are and create an new one KDE  themming style/programing - called Artix-Plasma. Users will click and use whichever they want, instead of being stuck with whatever creator wanted with other default KDE Themes broken.
You didn't read my message carefully, it would have saved you typing all this text (which I mostly agree with, btw). I didn't say "modify a global theme", I said "use it as a template". As for the way our theme actually works (or worked for plasma5), see this thread, especially the last post.