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Topic: [SOLVED] Upgrade of boost-libs (1.71.0-4 -> 1.72.0-1) breaks libreoffice (Read 992 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Upgrade of boost-libs (1.71.0-4 -> 1.72.0-1) breaks libreoffice

I upgraded boost-libs (1.71.0-4 -> 1.72.0-1) earlier today and libreoffice now crashes.  It appears libreoffice needs old 1.71 version.  I temporarily  downgraded boost-libs back to 1.71 and libreoffice started up ok.  Thus a recompile/repackage of libreoffice is needed?

Code: [Select]

/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Re: Upgrade of boost-libs (1.71.0-4 -> 1.72.0-1) breaks libreoffice

Reply #1
Yup libreoffice needs to be rebuilt. Libreoffice comes from Arch itself and I noticed that it just updated today as well (the boost stuff comes from Artix's own repos). Likely, you just need to wait for your arch mirrorlist to sync again and then the next update to the new libreoffice which should fix it.


Re: [SOLVED] Upgrade of boost-libs (1.71.0-4 -> 1.72.0-1) breaks libreoffice

Reply #2
Solved by latest upgrade for libreoffice- libreoffice-fresh-6.3.4-3.