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Topic: [SOLVED] steam fatal error  (Read 1817 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] steam fatal error

Installing steam seemed to go well, and the settings for playing window's games is enabled. However when a game is launched, "Session" in particular, it exits with an error. A dialogue box pops up that I cannot resize. In the title bar it says
The UE4 Session...
and the dialogue box itself says
fatal error
SkaterXL also crashes. Is there something I need to do for these because they are for windows?

Re: steam fatal error

Reply #1
Is there something I need to do for these because they are for windows?
Aside from allowing all Windows games to be played in the Steam Play tab in the settings menu, there's nothing else you should have to do. Normally you'd go to to see if there's anything extra you need to do to make your game work.
Have you tried other Windows games to see if they start?

Re: steam fatal error

Reply #2
The only games I've tried are Session and SkaterXL, both windows, both crash. Given what the dialogue box says, it seems it has something to do with Unreal Engine. The only other problems that I see, that people seem to be having is hardware issues. I'm running an AMD FX9590 with an Asus 970 mobo and a Radeon 550 card, they're only a couple of years old so I don't think it would be a problem, but I'm not sure.
Edit: I was messing around with the different versions of proton in the settings menu and when I use 4.2-9 or  lower, the game crashes with a dialogue that says
DX11 feature level 10.0 is requires to run the engine

Re: steam fatal error

Reply #3
Presumably, older versions of proton don't have recent features that some games might need to work. I'd try other windows games to see if this also happens to them and if they have a fix for it in their protondb page. If there are, try to apply them to Session and SkaterXL


Reply #4
It seems to be working now, just some random crashes and glitches here and there. What i did was go into the settings of Session, not steam. At the bottom there is a box you can check that says
Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool
So I checked that, switched it to Steam Linux Runtime in the drop down menu, tried to launch again with no luck. Went back to that same settings menu and switched it back to Proton 5.0-2 and this time when I launced the game loaded and played. All is well for now, Thank You for the reponses.
Edit: SkaterXL is also working.