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Topic: [SOLVED/PEBCAK] Reverting Artix-Dark KDE Theme (Read 6481 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED/PEBCAK] Reverting Artix-Dark KDE Theme


I tried everything to revert Artix Dark-Theme in KDE. There are some stuff in ~ and some in urs/share (or similar) and even if I sudo rm -r those  it doesn't work.  I cannot use Breeze theme or Breeze+Breeze Dark (panels only). I still have annoying dark artifacts (check Kate). It is impossible to use default themes due to hardcoded Artix-Dark that overlays default themes and messes them up. I tried to go to every piece of the default themes and reset to DEFAULT in every nook and cranny to no avail. I still have artifacts in Kate for example.
Please tell me what to do and please do not hardcode (WHERE?!) your themes but use KDE tech to make a theme.

PS. I use runit an will have some questions about it too. But first things first. Oh, and I love font rendering :) Thanks.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #1
I set Breeze in the Appearance tabs of Plasma (global, plasma, application and colors) and deleted ~/.config/kate* (see the attached screenshot), as kate doesn't strictly follow the KDE settings. It's got its own appearance settings, which are tweaked to follow the default artix-dark theme as it would blindingly stand out in white.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #2
Mind a stupid question; what is this about and how did this become a problem? I never experienced and trouble with any Artix KDE theme, at least not that I can recall of.

To be honest I was not even aware of an Artix dark theme.  And I am a KDE user since like forever and at the moment have Artix KDE on 3 machines installed over a long period of time :)  Perhaps I just switch to breeze first ting after an installation never ever reflecting over the dark theme.  I don't recall any obstacles just selecting the theme I want in KDE settings.

Nor do I experience any problems with Kate theming.

I sometimes have trouble with the KDE settings being messed up. Usually I  just rename my home dir and create a fresh one (copy the /etc/skel dir and change ownership). If the problem is inconsistent kde-settings-files this will solved it and I need to decide if I shall clear out the old ones (which nowadays is quite difficult) or just move my important stuff (files except for settings) into the new home.

I have quite some advances settings that is an significant effort to set up. Unless this is the case for you, I'd start all over with a fresh home in a case like this.


I take full responsibility of my Linux systems - I just need some help from time to time.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #3
1. "Global Theme" ---> "Breeze" (check in the bottom left corner "use desktop layout from theme")
2. Open Dolphin
3. Open Kate
4. Open Gwenview
5. Compare to any other distro

Please fix.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #4
1. "Global Theme" ---> "Breeze" (check in the bottom left corner "use desktop layout from theme")
2. Open Dolphin
3. Open Kate
4. Open Gwenview
5. Compare to any other distro

Please fix.
Kate and Gwenview use non-standard plasma settings (see the background colour in Gwenview's settings, for example). For Kate, see the explanation/solution of my previous post.
But Dolphin (and most other KDE suite apps) do follow the global theme, please see my attached screenshot which also shows the Gwenview "fix".
Creating a uniform dark theme is not an easy job and glitches are far more pronounced when encountered; nevertheless, one can always use the base ISOs and have total control of their setup.

Default Themes in Artix (and only Artix) are Broken Beyond Repair

Reply #5
 I do not understand. There are other dark themes. Only yours cause trouble killing other themes. With other themes, I can switch back an forth and have whatever theme, I want. Your theme is weaponized to kill other themes, to be broken beyond repair.

Broken beyond usability: Default Dark Theme
Broken beyond usability: Default Light Theme

Expected result:
Woriking: Default Dark Theme
Working: Default Light Theme

I downloaded live ISOs and checked others by installing various dark themes and switching back and forth:

KDE Neon  - OK
Kubuntu 20.04  - OK
Manjaro 20 KDE -OK
Fedora 32 KDE Spin - OK
Debian 10.x KDE - OK

Artix -  default themes are broken beyond repair.

Please spare me technical details. Artix is the only distro that enforces user to use only and only one theme. Even default themes are broke.

This is how the end user sees Artix:

I don't like a dark theme. Its up to the user what theme he/she wants. In Artix there's a following issue:

ISSUE: User cannot switch to other themes, because they are broken beyond repair. They are forced to use only one.

Expected Result: User is allowed to switch to other themes.

Please spare me technical details. I don't want to know.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #6
The Artix desktops are from the Arch repos. Arch provides packages as they are created by their developers, so it's as close to a "pure vanilla" experience as you are likely to find. This brings benefits, as the original creators are usually more knowledgeable than anyone else, and for example, any changes they make won't break their own code, but it might break 3rd party additions. But it does mean as a user, you have to provide the config that other distros tack on as standard. You could also take a look at whatever implementation you were previously happy with and try to see what packages or patches they applied to give the results you prefer, it may just be you are missing some KDE related packages that are installed on the iso provided by Manjaro or whatever.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #7
Please spare me technical details. I don't want to know.
I can switch back and forth to dark and light themes without a glitch. Other users too. I don't know what you did in you system to break it, but instead of whining you could just follow the instructions given at the posts, which take into consideration that the PEBKAC.
Let's try once again:
1. Unistall whichever of the following is installed:
2. Backup and remove your settings in ~/.config and ~/.local (or just rename those directories)
3. Comment out the QT_* lines in /etc/environment
3. Logout  / login (you may need to restart sddm if /etc/environment isn't re-read and QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME / QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE are still set)
4. Thank me later

Your theme is weaponized to kill other themes, to be broken beyond repair.
Dude, please.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #8
So, I downloaded KDE Neon and had a shot at its default light and dark breeze themes. As I suspected, Kate and Gwenview were FUGLY in both themes. At least, ours is eye-candy in dark and as much in light, if you delete their preset config files.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #9
The help being provided here concerning this issue is exemplary...patient and kind.  I commend you all.

Best regards.
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #10
Greetings Artix team
I have been struggling with same issue, gave up on Artix because of this a few times. Came back again today and finally stumbled upon this forum topic.
Out of all points below, I first tried number 3. Comment out the QT_* lines in /etc/environment, and issue is gone. Themes work.
I did fresh install every time (artix-plasma-openrc.iso) and this /etc/envioronment thing was installed by default.
So please don't blame new user by saying "I don't know what you did to mess up your themes". They were messsed up by this default setting in this environment file. How would anyone know about this?

I have to say that I am very pleased overall. Artix works on my Optimus laptop and it has everything I need and use. It serves me well without systemd and pulseaudio. 
Great job!

I can switch back and forth to dark and light themes without a glitch. Other users too. I don't know what you did in you system to break it, but instead of whining you could just follow the instructions given at the posts, which take into consideration that the PEBKAC.
Let's try once again:
1. Unistall whichever of the following is installed:
2. Backup and remove your settings in ~/.config and ~/.local (or just rename those directories)
3. Comment out the QT_* lines in /etc/environment
3. Logout  / login (you may need to restart sddm if /etc/environment isn't re-read and QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME / QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE are still set)
4. Thank me later
Dude, please.

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #11

I was testing out the most recent ISOs yesterday and encountered this problem as well. I couldn't change the theme or icons in the LXQT live environment, and the issue persisted after installing in a VM. After finding this thread I tested the KDE ISO, and while I could change the theme, tyring to change back to artix-dark caused visual bugs, with only cartain UI elements changing.

I'm using Xfce right now and that hasn't had any issues, so there may just be something configured incorrectly with the QT based ISOs.

the Artix-dark theme is excellent btw!

Re: Reverting Hardcoded Artix-Dark KDE Theme

Reply #12
I have the same issue and I am forced to use only one Artix Dark Theme and cant't revert. When I tried to revert it it got everything broken. And yes, you can't read black text on black.

It seems that Artix dev did something and uninstalling all the changes called "*artix*" via pacman did not help. Neither switching back and forth various themes with log out, log in. Many users experienced this issue, but everyone was afraid to speak out. Now I know why. You treat users like mrlova very bad and refuse to acknowledge your mistakes and refuse to fix it. Not good for the community. I think you owe mrlova big apology. 

I would expect better treatment for the users in the future. You realize how many of them didn't even bother to report the issues, because of how badly you treat people who care? Not good at all. Not good. Besides, I agree, when you boot Artix Plasma, open Dolphin and check hidden files, there are tons of leftovers from GONME3, Xfce and other, dispite none of these programs are on the Live ISO. But I guess it slipped too of your attention, because you were engaged in trolling and threatening to ban the poor user, who tried to help and pointed the issues.

I would expect to put your pride aside, give the users stock plasma and let them decide what themes they want, so they have the ability to have any they want  (Artix Theme surely broke other themes and the user is not to blame when they cannot revert the changes via settings "Global Thmes"). So no Artix "irreversible"  theme at all and apology to the users and bowing and admitting the mistake would be in place.

Xfce, GNOME3, Lxqt, MATE Leftovers that Pollute Default Plasma

Reply #13

Judging by how you treated mrolva, I was wandering if I should report the error and how its going to be resolved and if I am going to be tolled and threatened with a ban when I report an issue and demand a fix.

Default Artix Plasma (just boot weekly Plasma ISO Live) home folder contains a lot (and I mean a lot) of hidden folders and files  (aka dot files), that absolutely do not belong to KDE. They are from MATE, GNOME 3, XFCE, Lxqt and so on. They have no place in KDE whatsoever and default Artix Plasma should not be polluted with them, because none of those programmes and DEs where installed in Plasma in the first place. So why are they there?

Examples of folder and files in default (boot Artix Plasma Weekly Live ISO):


artil folder with atril_toolbar.xml file inside <--- I believe that is MATE, why is it Default Artix Plasma ?
caja foler with 2 files: accels and desktop-metadata <---  I believe that is MATE, why is it in Default Artix Plasma ?
dconf folder with user file inside <---- I believe its from MATE/XFCE leftover, why is it in Default Artix Plasm ?
gtk-2.0 folder with file gtkfilechooser.ini inside
gtk-3.0 folder with 3 files inside
gtk-4.0 folder with  1 file inside
gpicview <--- I believe its some GTK pic viewer and Plasma has Qt Gwenview and gpicview is not installed in Defailt Artix Plasma, Why is this polluting the Home folder? Why?
hexchat <----- comes from XFCE/MATE/GNOME3 and is not installed in Default Plasma, why is it there? KDE has better Qt app anyway.
lximage-qt folder with setting.ini inside <--- lxqt is not installed in Default Artix  Plasma and there is already Gwenview in KDE.

There is even openbox folder there

pcmanfm.... <--- this is from GTK2 LXDE-  why is it polluting Home folder?
pcmanf-qt <---- not installed, but Plasma has Dolphin already. Why is this folder and its content there in the Default Artix Plasma?

qt5ct <--- is this from kvantum and qt5-ctl that you install in GTK3/XFCE/MATE world for qt apps? Why is it in Artix Plasma? Plasma does not need qt5ctl because its already Qt by default and you don't fix it because its not GTK, neither is kvantum, From where does it come?


Trolltech file......


Just see the attached screenshot.

Plase Remove those polluting folders and files. There's absolutely no need for them in KDE Plasma and removing them is cumbersome. Its yet another unnecessery step to depollute the system. Just like Windows from bloatware and Cortanas. Linux distros should stick to KISS principle. No need for other DEs when you don't need them. Artix Provides Plasma, so it should be Plasma KDE, not Plasma KDE with MATE, GNOME 3, XFCE, Lxqt trash in home folder (and God knows where and what else...).
It goes both way: if the user choeses Xfce he or she does not need 90% of KDE to be sitting in their system.
If the user choses Qt Plasma he or she expect Qt Plasma, but no more. Its their choice if they want to install any GTK app, not to mention, they don't need lxqt or xfce or GNOME. They already have KDE. SO  WHY? WHY? WHY IS THERE SHIT FROM All POSSIBLE DEs? WHY?

Re: Xfce, GNOME3, Lxqt, MATE Leftovers that Pollute Default Plasma

Reply #14
Do these extra config folders actually get installed via the graphic installer? I tried to ask mrlova this but he never gave me an answer. If this is just limited to the live iso, I'm not sure why it's so important? Sure maybe it would be cleaner to not have some of the config folders, but a live iso isn't meant to be your daily system.