Re: Which Do You Prefer - OpenRC, s6, or runit??
Reply #28 –
Indeed Dinit is probably the fastest or at least on tie with runit.
I switched yesterday to Dinit on my big PC aswell, I had it on testing on the thinkpad for about one year now and been happy with it, so it's an honour and with this occasion I wish to thank you for your work!
I have a question regarding enable/disable and listing of which service is enabled or not: In my utilities script I came up these last few months with a method of going through the dependency chains of the services to see a list of what's enabled, this is meant to complement dinitctl list with a complete overview of sorts:
find /etc/dinit.d/*.d -not -type d -exec grep -E 'waits|depends' {} + | tee >(cut -d= -f2) | cut -d/ -f5 | cut -d: -f1 | sort -u | while read -r s; do echo $s; grep -rlE "waits-for.d.*$s|depends.*$s" /etc/dinit.d | cut -d/ -f4; done | sort -u
Of course this has a caveat: If I run dinitctl disable on a service which is present in the dependency chain of another, it will continue to show up as enabled (which is correct, the service is still running and will still be brought up on boot), however this method has no way of telling if the service is explicitly disabled on not (with my thought going towards e.g. how OpenRC handles it).
Is there a way to force disable a service without having to manually edit it's parent?
Or, to do away with my above method, something like a tree view of the dependencies, or a dependency view per-service (like dinitctl status xyz lists - Activation: start due to dependent(s) - to list which dependent(s) they actually are)?