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Topic: [SOLVED] Help for HP printer configuration (Read 5365 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Help for HP printer configuration

Hi everyone, I just finished the installation of artix-mate-openrc-20200504-x86_64.iso and I would like to configure my HP printer, but I can't find anything about it in the menu. Do I have to do it by command line? If yes can someone help me or tell me where to find directions? Thanks so much, I'm a newbie in Linux...

Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #1
You need to install and start CUPS daemon, install hplip package (and probably hplip-plugin from AUR). After that you can use CUPS web interface or system-config-printer to configure your pinter

Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #2
You need to install and start CUPS daemon, install hplip package (and probably hplip-plugin from AUR). After that you can use CUPS web interface or system-config-printer to configure your pinter
Thanks for the phonix reply.
I installed cups and hplip, and started configuring the printer from the command line, but I got this error message: Unable to find an appropriate PPD file, as per the attached image.
What am I doing wrong ?
thanks for help!

Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #4
use directly  hplip installator:
Code: [Select]

or try use http://localhost:631/ (CUPS) it's more convenient :-)

Thanks for the reply Alium.
I tried the configuration with "hp-setup" .-
The printer (HP DESKJET 1510) is recognized, but in step two it always gives me the same error: "No appropriate print PPD file found", even if the appropriate file is present. It simply does not load it, as if it were not there. It does not even load it by manually selecting it, as per the attached screens.
Thanks for any help you can.


Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #5
Code: [Select]
rc-service avahi-daemon status
avahi is running? avahi must run!

and what say /var/log/cups/error_log?
Code: [Select]
cat /var/log/cups/error_log

Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #6
Code: [Select]
rc-service avahi-daemon status
avahi is running? avahi must run!

and what say /var/log/cups/error_log?
Code: [Select]
cat /var/log/cups/error_log
Thanks for the reply!
Avahi status is "stopped"
I tried to figure out how to start avahi, but I couldn't. How you do it?
Then, there is no file called "error_log" in / var / log / cups /: the folder is empty.
Very complicated to be able to print!
Tks for help!


Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #7
Code: [Select]
pacman -S avahi avahi-openrc
Code: [Select]
rc-service avahi-daemon start

if start without problems:
Code: [Select]
rc-update add avahi-daemon default

you should start cupsd too:
Code: [Select]
rc-update add cupsd default

after reboot will be start automatically

Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #8
Code: [Select]
pacman -S avahi avahi-openrc
Code: [Select]
rc-service avahi-daemon start

if start without problems:
Code: [Select]
rc-update add avahi-daemon default

you should start cupsd too:
Code: [Select]
rc-update add cupsd default

after reboot will be start automatically


1. pacman -S avahi avahi-openrc
both packages are already installed.

2.rc-service avahi-daemon start
It gives the following result:
avahi-daemon      | * Starting avahi-daemon ...
avahi-daemon      |Daemon already running on PID 3592           [ !! ]
avahi-daemon      | * ERROR: avahi-daemon failed to start

So ... it didn't start
I'm sorry for these complications ...


Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #9
no he is started before, so avahi is running = Daemon already running on PID 3592

so try it now install again.. cupsd is running too?

Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #10
are you member of cups and lp group?

Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #11
no he is started before, so avahi is running = Daemon already running on PID 3592

so try it now install again.. cupsd is running too?

THEN try it now install again:
pacman -S avahi avahi-openrc

and now the result of:
rc-service avahi-daemon start

is a little  different:
avahi-daemon      | * Caching service dependencies ...                    [ ok ]
avahi-daemon      | * Starting avahi-daemon ...
avahi-daemon      |Daemon already running on PID 3592                     [ !! ]
avahi-daemon      | * ERROR: avahi-daemon failed to start

2.cupsd is running too?
I dont know how verify it

Re: Help for HP printer configuration

Reply #13
I have a similar HP printer ( Deskjet D1420), and have it working plugged into USB. 

Not to add confusion, but what I did is install the system-config-printer package and use that to add a printer.  This app has always worked for me.  Maybe using http://localhost:631/ is similar.  Make sure the defined printer connection is HPLIP as opposed to USB.  Below I am posting some config thats on my working system, maybe this will help.

Here is whats in my /etc/cups/ppd/:
Code: [Select]
[dxrobertson@acer ppd]$ ls
HP-Deskjet-D1400-series.ppd  HP-Deskjet-D1400-series.ppd.O

Here is my /etc/cups/printers.conf file:

Code: [Select]
# Printer configuration file for CUPS v2.3.1
# Written by cupsd on 2020-04-28 07:40
NextPrinterId 3
<DefaultPrinter HP-Deskjet-D1400-series>
PrinterId 2
UUID urn:uuid:0de37509-d47b-3c60-5a5a-d4093ffc5ff8
Info HP Deskjet D1400 series
Location acer
MakeModel HP Deskjet d1400 Series, hpcups 3.20.2
DeviceURI hp:/usb/Deskjet_D1400_series?serial=TH81V3235Y04Y5
State Idle
StateTime 1588074042
ConfigTime 1588073330
Type 36892
Accepting Yes
Shared Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy stop-printer