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No hard drives showing

After successful installation (finally!) of lxqt iso on my home computer, I installed xfce. Great! Now I have two desktops.
But neither PCManFM nor Thunar show my other hard drives.
What do I need to do?
thanks in advance

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #1
So I installed Dolphin and all drives show in Dolphin. What gives?

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #2
So I installed Dolphin and all drives show in Dolphin. What gives?

Code: [Select]
[localhost ᒤᕞᕹᓸ]# pacman -Sii thunar
Repository      : extra
Name            : thunar
Version         : 1.6.12-1
Description     : Modern file manager for Xfce
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL2  LGPL2.1
Groups          : xfce4
Provides        : None
Depends On      : desktop-file-utils  libexif  hicolor-icon-theme  libnotify  libgudev  gtk2  exo  libxfce4util  libxfce4ui  libpng
Optional Deps   : gvfs: for trash support, mounting with udisk and remote filesystems
                  xfce4-panel: for trash applet
                  tumbler: for thumbnail previews
                  thunar-volman: manages removable devices
                  thunar-archive-plugin: create and deflate archives
                  thunar-media-tags-plugin: view/edit id3/ogg tags
Required By     : thunar-archive-plugin  thunar-media-tags-plugin  thunar-volman  xfdesktop
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 880.70 KiB
Installed Size  : 5166.00 KiB
Packager        : Evangelos Foutras <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Friday 30 June 2017 06:31:04 PM CDT
MD5 Sum         : d15011a04885956b9cb0978d2bc18010
SHA-256 Sum     : b1d908f0e7ab91420ac566b75d24fbe1621bfbaf5c4bd193507c9fe0df719e16
Signatures      : 51E8B148A9999C34
Thunar needs gvfs for mounting support, as it is listed under optional dependancies. Same with pcmanfm. Dolphin's support is run through the underlying kde packages necessary to intall any kde program/app.

Gnome lets you choose and pick what you want/need. Kde is a whole package that shares its resources/support through its base. Difference in philosophies. /shrug

Here is a list of gvfs optional packages:
Code: [Select]
[localhost ᒤᕞᕹᓸ]# pacman -Ss gvfs
extra/gvfs 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO
extra/gvfs-afc 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (AFC backend; Apple mobile devices)
extra/gvfs-goa 1.34.1-1 (gnome)
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Gnome Online Accounts backend; cloud storage)
extra/gvfs-google 1.34.1-1 (gnome)
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Google Drive backend)
extra/gvfs-gphoto2 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (gphoto2 backend; PTP camera, MTP media player)
extra/gvfs-mtp 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (MTP backend; Android, media player)
extra/gvfs-nfs 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (NFS backend)
extra/gvfs-smb 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (SMB/CIFS backend; Windows client)

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #3
I made a table of my partitions and drives and put it in fstab, commenting out the line of the / partition for each particular installation (if you have more than one) and mount all volumes through fstab.  I use /media to make the mountable directories.
I remember struggling with gvfs and udisk to be able to have them on pcmanfm but gave up as they came and went.
It helps to have labels on the partitions (gparted or else will do that)

This will gave you the data for the table
Code: [Select]
ls -lh /dev/disk/by-uuid 
ls -lh /dev/disk/by-label

This is the format to add to fstab

Code: [Select]
UUID=00000011111	/media/DevuanAscii		ext4		defaults,noatime 0 2
UUID=00000111111 /media/DevuanCeres ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2
UUID=00001111111 /media/ManjaOpenRC ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2
UUID=00011111111 /media/Artix2         ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2

You have to create the list of empty directories first so they can be mounted
mount -a  will mount them after you finish without a reboot

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #4
Code: [Select]
[localhost ᒤᕞᕹᓸ]# pacman -Sii thunar
Repository      : extra
Name            : thunar
Version         : 1.6.12-1
Description     : Modern file manager for Xfce
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL2  LGPL2.1
Groups          : xfce4
Provides        : None
Depends On      : desktop-file-utils  libexif  hicolor-icon-theme  libnotify  libgudev  gtk2  exo  libxfce4util  libxfce4ui  libpng
Optional Deps   : gvfs: for trash support, mounting with udisk and remote filesystems
                  xfce4-panel: for trash applet
                  tumbler: for thumbnail previews
                  thunar-volman: manages removable devices
                  thunar-archive-plugin: create and deflate archives
                  thunar-media-tags-plugin: view/edit id3/ogg tags
Required By     : thunar-archive-plugin  thunar-media-tags-plugin  thunar-volman  xfdesktop
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 880.70 KiB
Installed Size  : 5166.00 KiB
Packager        : Evangelos Foutras <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Friday 30 June 2017 06:31:04 PM CDT
MD5 Sum         : d15011a04885956b9cb0978d2bc18010
SHA-256 Sum     : b1d908f0e7ab91420ac566b75d24fbe1621bfbaf5c4bd193507c9fe0df719e16
Signatures      : 51E8B148A9999C34
Thunar needs gvfs for mounting support, as it is listed under optional dependancies. Same with pcmanfm. Dolphin's support is run through the underlying kde packages necessary to intall any kde program/app.

Gnome lets you choose and pick what you want/need. Kde is a whole package that shares its resources/support through its base. Difference in philosophies. /shrug

Here is a list of gvfs optional packages:
Code: [Select]
[localhost ᒤᕞᕹᓸ]# pacman -Ss gvfs
extra/gvfs 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO
extra/gvfs-afc 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (AFC backend; Apple mobile devices)
extra/gvfs-goa 1.34.1-1 (gnome)
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Gnome Online Accounts backend; cloud storage)
extra/gvfs-google 1.34.1-1 (gnome)
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Google Drive backend)
extra/gvfs-gphoto2 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (gphoto2 backend; PTP camera, MTP media player)
extra/gvfs-mtp 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (MTP backend; Android, media player)
extra/gvfs-nfs 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (NFS backend)
extra/gvfs-smb 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (SMB/CIFS backend; Windows client)
I find it strange that this does not work out of the box when xfce4 group is installed, File manager without support for mounting drives by default?


Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #5
I made a table of my partitions and drives and put it in fstab, commenting out the line of the / partition for each particular installation (if you have more than one) and mount all volumes through fstab.  I use /media to make the mountable directories.
I remember struggling with gvfs and udisk to be able to have them on pcmanfm but gave up as they came and went.
It helps to have labels on the partitions (gparted or else will do that)

This will gave you the data for the table
Code: [Select]
ls -lh /dev/disk/by-uuid 
ls -lh /dev/disk/by-label

This is the format to add to fstab

Code: [Select]
UUID=00000011111	/media/DevuanAscii		ext4		defaults,noatime 0 2
UUID=00000111111 /media/DevuanCeres ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2
UUID=00001111111 /media/ManjaOpenRC ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2
UUID=00011111111 /media/Artix2         ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2

You have to create the list of empty directories first so they can be mounted
mount -a  will mount them after you finish without a reboot
Thank you. I had the idea using fstab, but it was late last night,
Again, find it strange that file manager does not come with this support out of the box.

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #6
Thank you. I had the idea using fstab, but it was late last night,
Again, find it strange that file manager does not come with this support out of the box.
THis is not systemd, things work different besides GVFS you need to start Thunar with dbus as I do with pcmanfm
dbus-launch pcmanfm --desktop -d    in start up apps as i said this is for pcmanfm  see arch wiki for thunar. you also need to check polkit is enabled also in startup
This is 2017 no need to go back to the last decade and dirty fixes

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #7
Remember that xfce and lxde are not officially supported by Artix, so if you want to make them work they may need some tuning.
Some of those DE have replaced complex functions to utilize systemd gadgets that just don't exist here.  When you click on things that seem to do nothing on a DE on a console they would respond with an error that you don't see in the DE. Sometimes you install a desktop and you click on reboot or shutdown and nothing happens, or you exit/logoff to a DM and their shutdown-reboot doesn't work, and you have to edit their conf files and replace those commands with the appropriate openrc command (/usr//bin/openrc-shutdown --help) which does work.

If you have i3 or LXQT sddm problems then you can complain here that it doesn't work so developers will help you and get things fixed.
The rest we have to fix ourselves with help from one to another.

By the way, the steps for manually mounting a device are:
mkdir /mountpoint/devicename
mount /dev/sd*  /mountpoint/devicename  (where * is the partition name /dev/sda11 /dev/sdc3 ...etc)
then it will show in your filemanager in the /mountpoint

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #8
Thank you all. I am now realizing that this is not for me. Too many things need to be tweaked manually, too many things don't work, and too many things are missing.
Life is too short and time flies at my age
best to you all!

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #9
Thank you all. I am now realizing that this is not for me. Too many things need to be tweaked manually, too many things don't work, and too many things are missing.
Life is too short and time flies at my age
best to you all!

Things are not simple when you take arch and try to remove systemd as arch is not interested why should they.
Remember Artix is at the infancy of its life and will take a while to stabilize its aim is to take arch packages rebuild them systemd free in their own repros this will take time, In the mean time we have to report what does not work, I you install Cinnamon it works out the box as things like gvfs are part of the basic install. lxdm also works fine with it.
Take care come back in a few months by the way I'm 68 and never use age as a excuse don't let nothing beat me.

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #10
Things are not simple when you take arch and try to remove systemd as arch is not interested why should they.
Remember Artix is at the infancy of its life and will take a while to stabilize its aim is to take arch packages rebuild them systemd free in their own repros this will take time, In the mean time we have to report what does not work, I you install Cinnamon it works out the box as things like gvfs are part of the basic install. lxdm also works fine with it.
Take care come back in a few months by the way I'm 68 and never use age as a excuse don't let nothing beat me.
Hey man...! (i'll leave the dog part out haha)
Thanks for all the help.
Of course I will be back, in the meantime I will try Cinnamon. Tried KDE but I hate it and it's got problems too at this stage.
I wish Artix team success in fighting the plague that systemd is to Linux. I  have been around for awhile, like you, and I see where this is heading (systemd).

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #11
 Maybe you should try Miyo Linux, unless you go wild configuring stuff it is as stable and fancy as any non-systemd system can be.

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #12
Somebody has been reading this :)
Devices now show in both pcmanfm and thunar by default out of the box on fresh install!
We are progressing, thank you!
Now if I could only mount my phone storage. Phone shows up in devices, but can't mount internal or external storage.

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #13
Do you have the required file system installed?
To mount my phone, I use mtpfs.
If you use gvfs then try gvfs-mtp.
And maybe use a mtp transfer program like gmtp or android-file-transfer.

Re: No hard drives showing

Reply #14
Do you have the required file system installed?
To mount my phone, I use mtpfs.
If you use gvfs then try gvfs-mtp.
And maybe use a mtp transfer program like gmtp or android-file-transfer.

Yes I have all those. libmtp is installed too if that matters