roundcubemail, email-encryption 16 July 2020, 16:31:55 Hi,i have a private email server with dovecot, postfix, davical ...First i used roundcubemail as frontend. Because of missing shared calendarsand addressbooks and no gnupg support i changed to thunderbird resp. evolution.Now there are calendar- and addressbook-plugins with caldav/carddav-support availableand gnupg-encryption is supported by roundcubemail and i would prefer to go back to roundcubemail.But i am not quite sure, if i should do email-encryption on the server:from roundcubemail plugin enigma README:Quote2. Create a directory for keys storage that is writeable for the PHP process. This directory should be out of the document root, so it is not accessible from the web browser. Set it's location in $config['enigma_pgp_homedir']. My question: is it save, to store gnupg keys in this way or should i use an email-client like evolution or thunderbird for email-encryption?If yes:where should this directory be placed, /usr, /etc?edit 2020-07-17:to run gnupg email encryption in roundcubemail open-basedir in /etc/php/php.ini has to be expanded by .../usr/share/<key-storage>:/usr/bin/gpg:/usr/bin/gpg-agent:/usr/bin/gpgconf:so aditional question:is it save, to make /usr/bin/gpg etc. accessible by php? Last Edit: 17 July 2020, 19:27:07 by a_manthey