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Topic: Want to get involved (Read 1319 times) previous topic - next topic
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Want to get involved

Hi, I see everywhere that you are looking for folks to write how-toos and guides.  But I also see that you are having trouble with spam and have locked down who can edit the wiki and even who can join the forums. 

Anyway I am having a blast with runit, I have migrated my Amazon virtual server to Artix, running nginx, searx, postgresql, django website.  I am learning a lot doing extensive testing with kvm-qemu virtualization, and that is often the best time to write guides to help others along.

I am running Artix on my daily driver ( Lenovo T460s), my HP Z600 Xeon workstation and as mentioned on my Amazon virtual server.  So far so good.  Very stable.  This is a bit of an experiment running an actual virtual server in production on a rolling release.  So far I have had zero regrets.

I could just start blogging on my own site, but would like to support the community if that is an option. 

Let me know what you think,


Re: Want to get involved

Reply #1

I see everywhere that you are looking for folks to write how-toos and guides.
This depends on the manuals, many times manuals are there but user don't read them.

have locked down who can edit the wiki
This is "rule" from even before I came to be here, the same goes for our gitea.

and even who can join the forums
This is news to me, can you elaborate? TO my knowledge there should be only some questions and captcha.

I could just start blogging on my own site, but would like to support the community if that is an option.
We can create you an account on wiki.
One question which comes to my mind is: Is Artix realy that different from Arch to such an etend that people can't use Archwiki for same things?

Let me know what you think
We can create you an account on wiki. In my eyes it is good to keep wiki mostly Artix specific, so something which should be in some general wiki (Archwiki) should go there.

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #2
One question which comes to my mind is: Is Artix realy that different from Arch to such an etend that people can't use Archwiki for same things?

We can create you an account on wiki. In my eyes it is good to keep wiki mostly Artix specific, so something which should be in some general wiki (Archwiki) should go there.

exactly, we wan't copy stuff from Archlinux, just put here some stuff, which are realy different from Arch.  We want be still as  Archlinux without SystemD only  8)

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #3
I get that this is the Aritx forum (and wiki), and no sane person would suggest recreating the archwiki.  Does that mean installing the OS only? 

I can give you one anecdote:  Installing PostgreSQL for the first time  took hours.  In Arch Linux, systemd auto-magically generates the runtime directory, sets the permissions and creates the top level user.

Doing the same on Artix with runit is easy...  once you have done it once.

Code: [Select]
pacman -S postgresql
usermod --shell /bin/bash postgres
sudo -u postgres -i
initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
mkdir /var/log/postgresql
chown postgres:postgres /var/log/postgresql
cd /etc/runit/sv
cp -r template/ postgresql
cd postgresql
nvim run
      #! /bin/sh -e
      exec 2>&1
      if [[ ! -d /run/postgresql ]]; then
            mkdir /run/postgresql
            chown postgres:postgres /run/postgresql
      exec chpst -u postgres:postgres /usr/bin/postgres -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
nvim log/run
      #! /bin/sh
      exec chpst -u postgres svlogd -tt /var/log/postgresql
ln -sf /etc/runit/sv/postgresql /run/runit/service

But those 17 lines of code took hours to figure out, multiple re-installs and quite a bit of tenacity.  I am the type of person that has fun with that, but I know that the majority of folks would not / cannot do that.  nginx +django + gunicorn was even harder.

I suggest if the delta from installing a program that is managed by systemd is not trivial, and folks are willing, it may help see some examples of how we troubleshoot, and  get applications working if they don't out of the box.

I do not think any guide can be all things to all people, but there are plenty of idiosyncrasies that do not present to users using systemd.

This post is an offer to help if desired, not any attempt to criticize.  If the wiki's philosophy is we'll help install the base system, from there go forth and translate systemd commands on the arch-wiki to your chosen init... that is defiantly an approach.  I just think a peppering of pretty common tasks (host a web server, compile source code, install a gui ) how-tos could show folks what to do when troubles arise.  Plus it would be fun for me to give back to a community I really want to see succeed.

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #4
If this is Artix specific than it is fine, lets see I will try to give you an account on wiki.

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #5
    I made 3 new pages on the wiki.  right now they are not linked to anything. 

    See it here:
After Install

This page then links to the Arch Wiki and 2 new GUI guides (Gnome and dwm)

The GUI section is not exclusively Artix specific but does show new users how to install a GUI, the next task I will add will be "install a web server" which is non-systemd specific

I was wondering if I could add a link to my page at one or more of the following
  • Under Basic Tasks in nav bar
  • Under Miscilaneous in nav bar
  • Or as a link at the end of Installation

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #6
Thank you for your effort...

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #7
I agree that these articles aren't quite justifiable when they exist on the arch wiki, and there's nothing in them that is specific to artix that needs special attention. I'd like to see one that's more like the PostgreSQL situation you gave as an example.

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #8
Agree.  I am working on the "Install Webserver" wiki entry now and will add it to my "After Install" once ready.

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #9
Ah I see my entry has been deleted as it is not Artix specific.  I was building a framework for my guides and had the GUI ready even though it was not Artix specific so you could see what kind of guides I am talking about.

I had not linked it to the Wiki since we had not decided what to do with it,

I am a bit disappointed that a 100% delete was the solution.  I could have removed the GUI section and moved on to the Web Server section if that was desired.

I did spend several hour on this so far, and am trying to be pretty responsive.  Do you want me to start again from scratch doing just the Web Server or is this not what we are after?

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #10
Again no hate, just don't want to waist my time or mess up your wiki.  I think you guys are doing a good job.

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #11
If you wish I can extract your articles from database and give them to you.
The thing you wish to do is more suited for your own blog compared to Artix wiki which should stay simple and information oriented.

The main problem is that such framework is not desired on wiki.
Most of the things described there are not desired because they can be found on other places if people wish to do so (Archwiki, project page).

Wiki is kind of dull collection of experience, knowledge and information.

We believe it is not out job to guide users to install some DE when they can check Archwiki and get it with pacman with few keystrokes.

What we would like to have on wiki is truly the solutions to problems, guides to Artix specific things.

PS: i wrote a nice response and it is also somehow gone...
PS2: I am also not good at giving information back to people.

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #12
Understood.  Thanks

Re: Want to get involved

Reply #13
Again no hate, just don't want to waist my time or mess up your wiki.  I think you guys are doing a good job.
mess a wiki.... wiki can always be fixed, what was deleted can be restored.
The point is that:
- Installing gnome: it should work with just pacman and max few tweaks to tune it to elogind
- installing dwm and other suckless: this is totally individual, if you ever used these programs you would know that the beauty of suckless is in small codebase which can be easily etended and it does not require any help from Artix
- After installation: well, installation should cover all important parts, the other things depend on user

The style of your articles is more suited for your personal blog. (blogs are nice, they keep internet alive)