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Topic: [SOLVED] After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel (Read 809 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel

Today I updated the system. After turning on my laptop I noticed (I have the bumblebee monitor in my plasma desktop) that the nvidia card is on. I restarted the service in case something went wrong during boot, the service  restarded well but shows me a fatal error about not finding the bbswitch module.

In my laptop I have the two kernels, the regular one and the lts one (its the default one). With the regular kernel  (5.8.2-artix1-1) works well without problems so I decided to reinstall bbswitch-dkms. It failed again and gave an error with the lts kernel and informs where the log file is. With the other kernel, no problem at all.

This is whats inside the log file in "/var/lib/dkms/bbswitch/0.8/build/"
Code: [Select]
DKMS make.log for bbswitch-0.8 for kernel 5.4.58-1-lts (x86_64)
sáb 22 ago 2020 19:39:54 CEST
make -C /lib/modules/5.4.58-1-lts/build M="$(pwd)" modules
make[1]: se entra en el directorio '/usr/lib/modules/5.4.58-1-lts/build'
  CC [M]  /var/lib/dkms/bbswitch/0.8/build/bbswitch.o
cc1: error: incompatible gcc/plugin versions
cc1: error: failed to initialize plugin ./scripts/gcc-plugins/
make[2]: *** [scripts/ /var/lib/dkms/bbswitch/0.8/build/bbswitch.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Makefile:1706: /var/lib/dkms/bbswitch/0.8/build] Error 2
make[1]: se sale del directorio '/usr/lib/modules/5.4.58-1-lts/build'
make: *** [Makefile:13: default] Error 2

It looks like there is some kind of incompatibility with the gcc version. What is strange is that with the regular kernel it works well.

Is this a real problem or is it just a matter of time to get a new version of gcc (

Thank you for your answers in advance

Re: After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel

Reply #1
Works fine here.
Try to update your system, there is already linux-lts.5.4.60
There might have been some updates for gcc or something.

Re: After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel

Reply #2
My system says its updated and I have the latest version (linux-lts-5.4.58-1).
I see that there is a lts-5.4.60 version in Arch but is in testing.

I wait to test again when a new lts kernel appears here in Artix. Meanwhile I will use the regular kernel instead.

Thank you for your answer.

Re: After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel

Reply #3
yeah, I am using testing.
I forgot about this fact.

You are right, it does not work with 5.4.58 kernel.

Re: After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel

Reply #4
please put here info from
Code: [Select]
pacman -Qi bbswitch-dkms gcc

Re: After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel

Reply #5
Here is the output of  pacman -Qi bbswitch-dkms gcc

Code: [Select]
Nombre                    : bbswitch-dkms
Versión                   : 0.8-341
Descripción               : Kernel module allowing to switch dedicated graphics card on Optimus laptops
Arquitectura              : x86_64
URL                       :
Licencias                 : GPL
Grupos                    : Nada
Provee                    : bbswitch
Depende de                : dkms
Dependencias opcionales   : Nada
Exigido por               : Nada
Opcional para             : bumblebee
En conflicto con          : bbswitch
Remplaza a                : Nada
Tamaño de la instalación  : 16,47 KiB
Encargado                 : Artix Build Bot <[email protected]>
Fecha de creación         : vie 21 ago 2020 02:01:45
Fecha de instalación      : sáb 22 ago 2020 19:39:27
Motivo de la instalación  : Instalado explícitamente
Guion de instalación      : No
Validado por              : Firma

Nombre                    : gcc
Versión                   : 10.2.0-1
Descripción               : The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends
Arquitectura              : x86_64
URL                       :
Licencias                 : GPL  LGPL  FDL  custom
Grupos                    : base-devel
Provee                    : gcc-multilib
Depende de                : gcc-libs=10.2.0-1  binutils>=2.28  libmpc
Dependencias opcionales   : lib32-gcc-libs: for generating code for 32-bit ABI [instalado]
Exigido por               : dkms  virtualbox-host-dkms
Opcional para             : xorg-xrdb
En conflicto con          : Nada
Remplaza a                : gcc-multilib
Tamaño de la instalación  : 147,32 MiB
Encargado                 : Artix Build Bot <[email protected]>
Fecha de creación         : dom 09 ago 2020 22:14:29
Fecha de instalación      : sáb 22 ago 2020 16:02:17
Motivo de la instalación  : Instalado explícitamente
Guion de instalación      : No
Validado por              : Firma

I don't know if it's of any use but this afternoon trying to solve the problem I found in reddit that void has a similar problem during a kernel update, it isn't the same kernel but maybe it is usefull. I found the info here.

Re: After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel

Reply #6
Upgrade your kernel to 5.4.60. That should fix your problem. New kernel is builded with the newest gcc which was delivered to our repo yesterday.

Re: After updating the system bbswitch don't work with linux-lts kernel

Reply #7
I updated the system now and yes, with the new version all works well again.

Tank you.