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Topic: [SOLVED] KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu (Read 1988 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

I have a cosmetic problem with libreoffice and KDE Plasma 5.19.
After the update from libreoffice 6 to 7, the font in the main menu is white.
Since the background is also bright, the font is very hard to read.
I set the desktop style to Breeze dark and in libreoffice under "View" I set the font also as Breeze dark.
Everything is fine in the different applications, only the main menu has the problem.

In the Gnome desktop everything is fine after the update, here the font is black.

Does anyone know the place where I can change the font color in the libreoffice main menu?
Do I have to adapt anything in /etc/environment?
Currently it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS="-blink-settings=darkModeEnabled=true -enable-features=OverlayScrollbar,OverlayScrollbarFlashAfterAnyScrollUpdate,OverlayScrollbarFlashWhenMouseEnt>

Thank you in advance.


Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #1
Hi Roberto,

Please change the line to (use a kvantum theme, set by kvantum manager):

Code: [Select]

or  (after setting qt5ct to use a kvantum theme, set by kvantum manager):

Code: [Select]

Also commending the line as below, could help, but please check:

Code: [Select]


Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #2
Be advised though, this breakage was caused by LO update from 6 to 7. Unfortunately, I don't currently have the bandwidth to perform updates and find the exact source of the problem. The solution suggested by @linuxer should work, but it will affect all your applications as it's system-wide.
You may also have luck tweaking Tools -> LibreOffice -> Personalization and Application Colors.

Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #3
I have tested the different settings, unfortunately without success.
The changes in /etc/environment caused display problems in other places, such as the icons in Dolphin.
During the different tests I found out that there are other places where the display is not correct (see screenshots).
I also had these problems with Libreoffice 6 and KDE.

I suspect that it is a problem of interaction between KDE Plasma 5 and Libreoffice.

Thank you very much for trying to solve my problem.


Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #4
Well, for the time being, the solution would be to shift to libreoffice-still  6.4.6 Release.

Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #6
I looked further into the problem and found out that it must have something to do with the gtk2 settings.
I changed the GTK2 design to "Breeze" in the "Preferences" under "Set up GNOME/GTK application style".
After a restart the font was readable in the main menu.
Unfortunately, this means that libreoffice is no longer dark.

Then I remembered that in "/etc/profile.d/" you could adjust the "look and feel" of libreoffice.
Code: [Select]
# to force a certain look'n feel 

#export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3_kde5
#export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3
I have tried to uncommand several entries e. g. #export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3.
After a restart of artix, libreoffice doesn't start.
Umcommanding the other lines has no effect, except to uncommand the line #export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen.
But afterwards the look was completely ugly.

So it seems that it's really the combination of KDE Plasma 5 with Breeze-dark or even Artix-dark and Libreoffice.

I have not yet found a real solution.


Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #7
why you not use export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5  ? if you use plasma, it's KDE support in libreofice

Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #8
why you not use export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5  ? if you use plasma, it's KDE support in libreofice
I tried to use it, but after a restart, libreoffice doesn't start anymore.
I have tried to uncommand every line, but unfortunatley without success.


Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #9
I tried to use it, but after a restart, libreoffice doesn't start anymore.
I have tried to uncommand every line, but unfortunatley without success.

Ohh, your theme setting in  system go bad. That mostly do gtk2 theme.
I removed most all old programs needed gtk2, I guess have only gimp and with gimp 3 will gtk2 removed forever.

Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #10
Ohh, your theme setting in  system go bad. That mostly do gtk2 theme.
I removed most all old programs needed gtk2, I guess have only gimp and with gimp 3 will gtk2 removed forever.
And what do you think I should do to identify the old programs that use gtk2?

Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #11
And what do you think I should do to identify the old programs that use gtk2?

i just said, that your settings of gtk theme broken libreoffice (i has same problem with libreoffice - and problem was in theme settings).  i use not dark theme, so i can't help you, as i wish :(

Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #12
It is incredible, but after the last update breeze dark perfect works together with Libreoffice 7.
I am not sure if it was the last plasma update 5.20.2 or the last Libreoffice update to, but now the problem is really solved.
I am deeply impressed.



Re: KDE Plasma 5.19 - Libreoffice fontcolor in the main menu

Reply #13
It's probably this bug that got fixed. Additionally, if you're not using the Artix-provided libreoffice colour scheme, you might find this project useful for tweaking further the colours.