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Topic: [SOLVED] Can't start services on OpenRC (Read 1676 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Can't start services on OpenRC

Hello, I've always used Arch Linux and decided to try Artix XFCE since I was getting a new SSD. But I can't start services of packages I installed.

For example, I tried to install Docker. Running
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -S docker
was great, it installed successfully. It complained that the daemon was not running, so I tried to run
Code: [Select]
sudo rc-service docker start
and it failed with
Code: [Select]
* rc-service: service `docker' does not exist

This also happened when I tried to install PostgreSQL. Pacman installed it without problems, but OpenRC don't recognizes it.

What could I be doing wrong? Is there some configuration I should do before installing the packages?

Re: Can't start services on OpenRC

Reply #1
Did you install init scripts for openrc for desired packages?

Code: [Select]
pacman -S docker-openrc postgresql-openrc

The name of services can differ from packages.
For example you can have service named dockerd or bluetoothd...
So check what services are installed with pacman:
Code: [Select]
pacman -Ql docker-openrc
same with other packages, to see what is installed. (check the /etc/init.d and /etc/conf.d folders)

Re: Can't start services on OpenRC

Reply #2
Well now I see I'm apparently incredibly dumb. I didn't even think of searching for packages that contain the work "docker" other than "docker" itself.

After installing those packages everything works. I question myself though, does the "default" package contain the init scripts for systemd, since it worked just fine with it? And why not include the init scripts for other popular init systems, such as OpenRC and runit?


Re: Can't start services on OpenRC

Reply #3
And why not include the init scripts for other popular init systems, such as OpenRC and runit?
Because each init system would conflict each other; The -init pkgs has the init system itself as a dependency; Besides conflict, there is no need to have every init script included.