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Topic: Kernels % grub update (Read 746 times) previous topic - next topic
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Kernels % grub update

Can someone tell me how I can check what other kernels are installed besides the active one?
I have the "runit" init system installed, but even after the "update-grub" command, the system does not show which kernels are installed, but issues a warning: "Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to device scanning"
I tried to find an answer on the forums, but I never got an answer to my question.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Kernels % grub update

Reply #1
Code: [Select]
$ pacman -Qs linux kernel
would tell you what was installed, although it will probably show you some other packages too. (-Ss will search the repos  for available but uninstalled ones too, and -Ss given to an AUR helper will search the AUR too, and any installed ones have that noted in the results.)
Perhaps there's a better command to show only kernels?
Code: [Select]
$ uname -r
will tell you what kernel you are currently running.
Whenever you install or update a kernel you will probably see it in the output then, when the /boot img's are rebuilt.
Code: [Select]
$ ls /usr/lib/modules
would probably also tell you what was installed, unless you had contrived to install one somewhere else.

Re: Kernels % grub update

Reply #2
You don't know what kernels you installed? Besides the default kernel artix?

Code: [Select]
ls /usr/lib/modules
is pretty good way....

sorry, I'm a little confused by your question  ;)


Re: Kernels % grub update

Reply #3
All these commands show only the current kernel, but there have already been several kernel upgrades and it is not known which ones remained(if remained) in case it is necessary to roll the system back.
The result of the "update-grub" command does not show any previous kernel, as well as the current one (as it is in other distros) and it is not known if there are any other kernels.
That's all that interests me.

Re: Kernels % grub update

Reply #4
Older kernels do not remain. To have a 2nd kernel, you can install kernel-lts so you can use this one in case of issues.
In theorie you might create kernels yourself with different names, or boot from a live medium and replace the kernel, but these are not common scenarios.
A good backup is always your friend.

Re: Kernels % grub update

Reply #5
All these commands show only the current kernel, but there have already been several kernel upgrades and it is not known which ones remained(if remained) in case it is necessary to roll the system back.
The result of the "update-grub" command does not show any previous kernel, as well as the current one (as it is in other distros) and it is not known if there are any other kernels.
That's all that interests me.
Older kernel (all have same name linux) are deleted and replaced by newest version, of course...
For fallback install Linux-let's, as suggest artist.

Re: Kernels % grub update

Reply #6
The old compressed packages do remain in the cache though, unless you delete them. So if there was ever a problem, you can just chroot from a live iso and:
Code: [Select]
$ cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
# pacman -U linux-5.8.8.artix1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
then you have downgraded.
To clear the cache with no effort, pacman-cleanup-hook from the AUR works well:
Description     : Pacman hook to cleanup pacman cache, keeps only the latest cache and the currently installed package. No configuration necessary, just install it.
Or you can check everything is working fine after rebooting and use pacman -Sc to wipe the cache completely and keep no backups if you need the extra disk space.

Re: Kernels % grub update

Reply #7
Thanks to all who responded. Now I have found all the answers I need.