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Topic: RAM consumption increased by 65 MB in a month (Read 1897 times) previous topic - next topic
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RAM consumption increased by 65 MB in a month

Month ago my runit setup used only 130 MB of RAM with i3wm. Week ago it used 160 MB. And today I opened htop after cold boot and found out that it uses 195 MB. 
The only change which was made for a month was migrating root partition from ext4 to F2FS.
Why did this happen?
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Re: RAM consumption increased by 65 MB in a month

Reply #1
The web browser you used to make this thread uses far, far more RAM and has way greater variability in RAM usage under the same conditions than a measly 65 MB.

Re: RAM consumption increased by 65 MB in a month

Reply #2
There is a high chance that /tmp is in RAM.
regarding mem usage, why are you so scared of it?
You are not lacking memory when it comes to normal workflow and working as regular user.

Re: RAM consumption increased by 65 MB in a month

Reply #3
I know that 65 MB don't make much sense but I just want to know what happened. I want to look cool in the Internet with low ram consumption lmao.

Re: RAM consumption increased by 65 MB in a month

Reply #4
so is your /tmp in RAM ?

Re: RAM consumption increased by 65 MB in a month

Reply #5
I know that 65 MB don't make much sense but I just want to know what happened. I want to look cool in the Internet with low ram consumption lmao.

Unless you took a ton of measurements under identical conditions and calculated some basic statistical measures (like standard deviation and so on), how do you even know anything happened at all? Plus you even said that your filesystem now is completely different. That could potentially cause a difference if one exists.


Re: RAM consumption increased by 65 MB in a month

Reply #7
Install ps_mem and see what is using more memory - save a record of the output for future comparison. Memory usage might be affected by changes to libraries as well as the apps themselves. Also gcc compile options can affect the binary size and hence memory usage. There is a trend of increased resource usage in general though, more things get added than deleted.