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Topic: [Solved] herbstluftwm panel is blank (Read 928 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Solved] herbstluftwm panel is blank

I have installed  herbstluftwm on a base install. I have the following files in place:

Code: [Select]
~/.config/herbstluftwm % ls -lt
-rwxr-xr-x 1  artiong  artiong 6177 Nov 22 07:18
-rwxr-xr-x 1  artiong  artiong 7891 Nov 22 07:07 autostart
-rwxr-xr-x 1  artiong  artiong  379 Nov 08 08:46

and dzen2 is installed.

I am starting herbstluftwm with xinit and it does start. I think the panel is actually starting, because if I start a terminal or any other program, there is room for the panel at the top. But the panel is entirely blank.

If I copy the config directory above to an Artix plasma install, then the panel starts and I can see it. I see no clue in the Arch wiki herbstluftwm article. All of the optional dependencies are installed.

Does anyone know what else has to be installed or configured for the herbstluftwm panel to be viewable on a base install? Thanks.

Re: [Solved] herbstluftwm panel is blank

Reply #1
Shoot, I solved it myself right after posting. I compared the lists of font related utilities between the base install and the plasma install. After doing that I installed  xorg-font-util xorg-font-utils and xorg-mkfontscale on the base install and the fonts in the panel became visible. I don't know yet which one fixed it.