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Topic: Hostnamectl? (Read 1557 times) previous topic - next topic
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hostnamectl comes from systemd, and is responsible for dealing with things such as the "pretty-hostname" or the chasis type of the machine on the local network.
How could i change my pretty hostname and other things in artix with the absence of systemd?

Re: Hostnamectl?

Reply #3
All 3 myhostname replace your pretty host name.


Re: Hostnamectl?

Reply #5
you can create /etc/machine-info and define there, what you need for your pretty-hostname, but no idea what it will help , because probably only systemd can work with it

Re: Hostnamectl?

Reply #6
you can create /etc/machine-info and and define there, what you need for your pretty-hostname, but no idea idea what it will help , because probably only systemd can work with it
Defined the upper case variables, my router still doesnt label my device.
friend, linux know only one hostname (defined in /etc/hostname) - as you can read in our wiki or Everything else is systemd-nonsense and for other "hostnames" you have to have installed systemd  ;)
Thought there was a way to do it independent of systemd, crap.
Thanks for the attention.

Re: Hostnamectl?

Reply #7
Code: [Select]
[alois@picasso ~]$ cat /etc/hostname 

Code: [Select]
[alois@picasso ~]$ cat /etc/hosts
# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names

#<ip-address>   <>   <hostname>       localhost.localdomain   localhost
::1             localhost.localdomain   localhost       picasso.localdomain picasso
# End of file

both files should have same hostname. say:  keep hostname persistent  -> maybe can help with labeling your device

Re: Hostnamectl?

Reply #10
Code: [Select]
[alois@picasso ~]$ cat /etc/hostname 

Code: [Select]
[alois@picasso ~]$ cat /etc/hosts
# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names

#<ip-address>   <>   <hostname>       localhost.localdomain   localhost
::1             localhost.localdomain   localhost       picasso.localdomain picasso
# End of file

both files should have same hostname. say:  keep hostname persistent  -> maybe can help with labeling your device
Oh alright, now the hostname is actually displayed in the router panel. For some reason it didnt work with the wikis /etc/hosts config. Thanks