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Topic: colord issue? on xfce (Read 2530 times) previous topic - next topic
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colord issue? on xfce

Hi all, struggling to get color management working on xfce. Color Profiles in Settings Manager is non-functional. I installed xiccd from AUR and it's in /etc/xdg/autostart but still no joy.
$ colormgr
No connection to colord: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.ColorManager: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
$ sudo rc-update add colord default
 * rc-update: service `colord' does not exist
Reinstalled colord, logged out, rebooted, still not working.
$ pamac info colord
Name                 : colord
Version              : 1.4.5-1
Description          : System daemon for managing color devices
URL                  :
Licenses             : GPL2
Repository           : world
Installed Size       : 7.4 MB
Depends On           : lcms2 libgusb polkit sqlite dconf dbus libgudev shared-mime-info udev
Optional Dependencies: argyllcms: color profiling [Installed]
                       colord-sane: SANE support
Make Dependencies    : gobject-introspection vala sane bash-completion argyllcms git meson
                       gtk-doc docbook-xsl
Required By          : colord-gtk gtk3 xfce4-settings xiccd
Replaces             : shared-color-profiles
Packager             : Artix Build Bot <[email protected]>
Build Date           : 11/04/2020
Install Date         : 01/01/2021
Install Reason       : Installed as a dependency for another package

Any help is much appreciated

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #1
Hi Artist, any love is good love, thanks for moving this thread. That said, I did read somewhere that this was a known xfce issue.
There's some help at the Arch wiki, but it's all systemd related. I was on Manjaro previously and color management in xfce worked.
I haven't found any info yet suggesting this is openrc related. Please enlighten me if you can.


Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #2
Here's the xfce page updated almost 5 months ago and acting like it works:

Display profiles don't work out of the box in Xfce (yet), you need a daemon like xiccd for them to work. 

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #3
Code: [Select]
 pacman -Ss colord
. i see here no colord-openrc, so we actually provide no openrc script for colord (only for s6 init).

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #4
but good news for you, systemd start only /usr/lib/colord and/or  /usr/lib/colord-session. So you can start it on start your DE or maybe @ndowens will write a  openrc script for this service

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #5
Hi and thanks! Can you please clarify how to start colord service? I'm on openrc, both colord and colord-session are in /usr/lib/

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #7
Thanks again. I had added colord already, reboot, but it still wasn't running. Added colord-session, reboot and now they're both running.

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #8
Color Profiles in Settings Manager is still dead. colormgr seems to be happy, but can't find any devices.
Basically, I want to use an ICC for my wide-gamut RGB monitor to edit photos with consistent color in darktable, gimp, rawtherapee and geeqie.

Any idea how to get the Color Profiles page working?

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #9
Got it! xiccd gets started but no process running until I call it on the terminal ?? Then the Color Profiles page works.

I think I forgot something when I built it from AUR.

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #10
So for this to run out of the box we need xiccd and colord-openrc service script?


Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #11
colord-openrc has been just added to repo, may take a bit before it becomes available on mirrors.

Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #13
Excellent! Thanks again. Can we get xiccd out of AUR too please?

I found after installing yay and reinstalling xiccd and adding it to Settings Manager>Session and Startup that  ~/.config/autostart/xiccd.desktop contained only the entry "Hidden=false" so I copied the data from colord.desktop and modified it for xiccd

$ cat .config/autostart/xiccd.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=AUR daemon


Re: colord issue? on xfce

Reply #14
xiccd is now in repo and desktop file has more in it then described in post