Re: Calamares - Fails reinstalling a system LUKS partition keeping existing others
Reply #3 –
Well, I just got this bug with the following command sequence:
(tried to force Calamares to use an already-existing-and-mounted encrypted partition)
parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos
cryptsetup benchmark
parted -s -a optimal /dev/sda mkpart "primary" "ext4" "0%" "100%"
parted -s /dev/sda align-check optimal 1
parted -s /dev/sda set 1 boot on
cryptsetup --verbose --type luks1 --cipher serpent-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash whirlpool --iter-time 10000 --use-random --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sda1
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 cryptroot
mkfs.ext4 -L cryptroot /dev/mapper/cryptroot
pkexec env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/artix/.Xauthority QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 calamares -d >calamares.log 2>&1
It is sad Calamares is such a blocker...