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Fresh installation issues

I just freshly installed Artix, and I encountered a few issues:

1) Install guide mistakenly directs people to install grub2, when in fact it should be grub.

2) When trying to install Artix on wifi while following the install guide, you'll be unable to continue after you rebooted into your new system.  There is no NetworkManager installed to make use of the Wifi. Either plug in an ethernet-cable or install networkmanager and networkmanager-openrc before you reboot into your new system.

3) There is a newer version of ICU ( and some packages (like gconftool-2) are already built to that, but the system-repo only knows icu 59.1-1, thus pacman will report errors when trying to install mate and/or xfce4.
I solved this on my end by uncommenting the lines for the core-repository of Arch in /etc/pacman.conf refreshing pacman and installing core/icu myself. and then comment those two lines again and refreshing pacman.

4) Mate depends on libsystemd-dummy and systemd-dummy. It's mentioned in the install-guide that some packages may depend on that, and that it is wise to install those to satisfy that dependency. But instead, I'd advise if you suggest people to install MATE  (as you do in the install-guide), to also install the dummy systemd-libraries, otherwise you won't have a working DE. I had this issue, and not until after I tried to start MATE from the command line did I find out that it expected systemd-libraries.

5) You can't use lxdm and termite together, installing termite will replace vte3 with vte3-ng, and apparently that doesn't sit well with lxdm. Not sure how to solve that one, as I prefer termite over other terminal emulators, though Terminal is okay for a while.

6) Firefox will not run. You install a fresh copy of firefox (57.0-2), you try to start it up, and it'll complain about sqlite: "The application has been updated, but the SQLite library wasn't updated properly and the application cannot run. Please try to launch the application again. If that should still fail, please try reinstalling it, or visit"
Opera was the only browser I managed to get running.

Re: Fresh installation issues

Reply #1
Another problem just occurred:

7) mosh will not work out of the box. It expects, but that library is only available through AUR in the package ncurses-full. Which I'm reluctant to install.

Re: Fresh installation issues

Reply #2
I just freshly installed Artix, and I encountered a few issues:

1) Install guide mistakenly directs people to install grub2, when in fact it should be grub.
This is the official guide, which one you used? We need to pull that down.

2) When trying to install Artix on wifi, you'll be unable to continue after you rebooted into your new system.  There is no NetworkManager installed to make use of the Wifi. Either plug in an ethernet-cable or install networkmanager and networkmanager-openrc before you reboot into your new system.
This is also addressed at the wiki guide.

3) There is a newer version of ICU ( and some packages (like gconftool-2) are already built to that, but the system-repo only knows icu 59.1-1, thus pacman will report errors when trying to install mate and/or xfce4.
I solved this on my end by uncommenting the lines for the core-repository of Arch in /etc/pacman.conf refreshing pacman and installing core/icu myself. and then comment those two lines again and refreshing pacman.
Code: [Select]
% yaourt icu
1 system/icu 60.1-1 [installed]
Are you mirrorlist and package database up to date?

4) Mate depends on libsystemd-dummy and systemd-dummy. It's mentioned in the install-guide that some packages may depend on that, and that it is wise to install those to satisfy that dependency. But instead, I'd advise if you suggest people to install MATE  (as you do in the install-guide), to also install the dummy systemd-libraries, otherwise you won't have a working DE. I had this issue, and not until after I tried to start MATE from the command line did I find out that it expected systemd-libraries.
You're absolutely right about this, I'm editing the wiki guide to make this more prominent.

5) You can't use lxdm and termite together, installing termite will replace vte3 with vte3-ng, and apparently that doesn't sit well with lxdm. Not sure how to solve that one, as I prefer termite over other terminal emulators, though Terminal is okay for a while.
Perhaps use lightdm or sddm for display manager?

6) Firefox will not run. You install a fresh copy of firefox (57.0-2), you try to start it up, and it'll complain about sqlite: "The application has been updated, but the SQLite library wasn't updated properly and the application cannot run. Please try to launch the application again. If that should still fail, please try reinstalling it, or visit"
Opera was the only browser I managed to get running.
I'm posting this from within Firefox 57.0-1, I'll upgrade and test. Thanks for your reports!

Re: Fresh installation issues

Reply #3
Another problem just occurred:
7) mosh will not work out of the box. It expects, but that library is only available through AUR in the package ncurses-full. Which I'm reluctant to install.
Again, you must have outdated repositories:
Code: [Select]
orion:[nous]:~% sudo pacman -S mosh
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) mosh-1.3.2-2

Total Installed Size:  0.68 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                                                                              [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                                                                            [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                                                                                 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                                                                           [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) installing mosh                                                                                                       [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
orion:[nous]:~% mosh
Usage: /usr/bin/mosh [options] [--] [user@]host [command...]


orion:[nous]:~% yaourt  ncurses
1 system/ncurses 6.0+20170902-3 [installed]
    System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library
2 multilib/lib32-ncurses 6.0+20170902-1 [installed: 6.0+20170527-2]

Re: Fresh installation issues

Reply #4

Well, not exactly. Right now, we have icu-60.1-1 :

Code: [Select]
expac -S '%r\/%n %v\n%d' system/icu
system/icu 60.1-1
International Components for Unicode library

Please check if you're using outdated mirrors by comparing mirrorlist[1] against upstream[2] and do -Syyu again...

(*and don't forget to always check for .pacnew files[3])


[1] - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
[2] -
[3] -
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: Fresh installation issues

Reply #5
I don't know the problems you are getting Firefox 57.0-2 I have it installed as a update and works fine.  Are you doing a Manjaro and mixing testing  repros with stable and Arch, your system will regularly break doing that.
And yes we have icu-60.1-1  that is what I have installed here.

Re: Fresh installation issues

Reply #6
Back to 2, I understand that someone should read through the wiki and maybe save anything relating to the installation before the installation, but most people don't, let's be realistic.  They install and then struggle to get online.  So an online wiki about how to connect to the wiki with wifi is not much help.
Going back to the live system, configuring wifi and then chroot to the installation and add packages works..

OTH I have been on wifi-only before Artix was announced and I have to admit it was the easiest installation to get online I have yet to try, and back then there was no wiki.

I think it is best for all distros to have local installation instruction especially for how to connect in a README kind of set of instructions.

Re: Fresh installation issues

Reply #7
I used the install guide that is linked at the top of the home page.

It was a brand new completely clean install from the artix i3 install media, that I downloaded and burned about a month ago. I can't believe that that would give me an outdated mirrorlist. Also, no pacnew files when doing a completely fresh install...

And that repo gave me version 59 of icu. Not 60. But perhaps the mirrorlist was indeed outdated. In which case I hope the current iso will have the new one.

This might also explain the non functioning Firefox.

Back to 2, I understand that someone should read through the wiki and maybe save anything relating to the installation before the installation, but most people don't, let's be realistic.  They install and then struggle to get online.  So an online wiki about how to connect to the wiki with wifi is not much help.
Going back to the live system, configuring wifi and then chroot to the installation and add packages works..

You misunderstand me. It was not to have a browser open or anything (at that point of the install you don't even have xorg yet).
In order to continue the install you need Internet access, but the (as i now understand it) old install guide didn't instruct people to install network manager until after the reboot into the new system. But at that point you can't install anything from the Internet, because of the lack of network manager.

Are you doing a Manjaro and mixing testing  repros with stable and Arch, your system will regularly break doing that.

Perhaps, but as this was a completely fresh install (with an unaltered pacman.conf), that doesn't apply. All partitions were removed and recreated during this artix install. The install was that fresh.


Re: Fresh installation issues

Reply #9
The i3 iso is old use the newer lxqt one that also has i3 I think as well as kde and others.