Weird Issue with startx and dwm 10 March 2021, 03:32:46 Hello, I am trying to use dwmI am running artix in a VM (virtual box) followed the answer from here and cloned dwm/st/dmenuwhen I run startx the screen doesnt change to a black screen with the dwm barit just freezes but in order to quit I have to exit using dwm binds (shift+alt+q)I don't get any error message from startx so I am really confused at what is happeningedit:so after messing around a bit I did get an error xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O (Operation not permitted) Last Edit: 10 March 2021, 06:28:44 by XxSNIPER200xX
Re: Weird Issue with startx and dwm Reply #1 – 10 March 2021, 10:45:45 Adding new user is completely unnecessary in that Stackoverflow answer. Post logs, we can't help otherwise. X log and kernel log are important, because this seems like a driver/X misconfiguration and unrelated to dwm.