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Topic: Redshift on runit? (Read 1659 times) previous topic - next topic
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Redshift on runit?

I'm trying to enable redshift on runit but I can't seem to find a redshift-runit package,  also I'm a little confused on automatic location configuration, the arch wiki mentions 2 methods, geoclue2 and gpsd, which is recommended?

Re: Redshift on runit?

Reply #1
good afternoon people! I have a question, is it possible to install Artix, from within a distro? Via the terminal I create and assemble a separate partition for the Root (/) and take advantage of the existing Boot partition and follow the installation with chroot, is it possible?

Re: Redshift on runit?

Reply #2
good afternoon people! I have a question, is it possible to install Artix, from within a distro? Via the terminal I create and assemble a separate partition for the Root (/) and take advantage of the existing Boot partition and follow the installation with chroot, is it possible?

Yes, I'm assuming this is what you mean? But you should probably create a new topic for this

Re: Redshift on runit?

Reply #4
@wim  redshift have no runit service. we provide this package not.
geoclue2 is dep of redshift, so is probably better install it. if you are KDE user, you not need redshift, same function is implemented.

Re: Redshift on runit?

Reply #5
I'm using dwm so I'm trying to go for a minimalistic setup, and after configuring geoclue2 to allow redshift to access it, running redshift on it's own works well, so I decided to place
Code: [Select]
redshift &
in the .xprofile file so it autostarts, the only downside is that there seems to be a noticeable startup delay for redshift I believe this is because of geoclue2 but it's not a big deal

Re: Redshift on runit?

Reply #6
I use i3 and actually use a script that gets called by a keyboard shortcut. Maybe something like this may help:

Code: [Select]
redshift -x && redshift -O 4500

This also makes it so you can't use redshift twice accidentally, as it resets itself before enabling. It makes more sense if it is on a keyboard shortcut, but maybe not if you are autostarting it. I can also disable it with this, which is on another keyboard shortcut:

Code: [Select]
redshift -x

Re: Redshift on runit?

Reply #8
I use i3 and actually use a script that gets called by a keyboard shortcut. Maybe something like this may help:

Code: [Select]
redshift -x && redshift -O 4500

This also makes it so you can't use redshift twice accidentally, as it resets itself before enabling. It makes more sense if it is on a keyboard shortcut, but maybe not if you are autostarting it. I can also disable it with this, which is on another keyboard shortcut:

Code: [Select]
redshift -x

That's so cool I didn't know you could do that with redshift, I might try that

Re: Redshift on runit?

Reply #9

sct sounds interesting, and this might be asking for too much for a minimal program, but does it support location based temperature? Since I'm mostly familiar with redshift, does the temperature change based on time or location?