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Topic: [SOLVED] /dev/sdb not file or directory (Read 1974 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] /dev/sdb not file or directory

I'm a total noob to the Linux scene.

I am using t440p not coreboot/librebooted. I installed the M.2 sata nvme drive which is the sdb device. I have successfully arch linux on the drive while having manjaro on the main ssd. After messing with arch linux and customizing a bit, I wanted to install artix linux but the cfdisk /dev/sdb/ gave me the not file or directory error. So I decided to use the kPartition in Manjaro to clean slate it by formatting it into DOS. Still gave me the same error and I saw that grub kept saying I had Arch Linux still installed so I assume it was a ghost entry problem. I went down the update-grub rabbit hole. Same error. I dunno if it was the Manjaro update from last week is messing with me or not. So I read on how /dev/ works. Don't know if i am misconstruing this or not but it talks about ram and tmpmftks so I decide to give up as ask for help.

Laptop: T440p
Bios: Default
Boot: Set to Both, UEFI first
Main OS: Manjaro
M.2 Sata Drive: Product TS128GMTS400S

Steps I have taken
Etcher Artix Linux Openrc ISO to usb
Attempt to install
Ran into cfdisk /dev/sdb not directory error
Circumvented this error by cfdisk /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 from previous install of Arch Linux
Went down the installation instruction til ran into sdb1 won't mount to /mnt/boot. not EFI
Made sure I did mkdir /mnt/boot but it wont mount.
Decide to try reformat manually with GUI
Exit and log into Manjaro
Used Kpartition to format drive with new partition DOS the sdb drive
sdb drive disappear from under device menu on Dolphin File manager while using Manjaro
Reattempt to install.
Same error.
Noticed grub menu with Manjaro theme still have arch linux as available option
Do update-grub
No more grub menu pop up just black screen and takes longer to boot into Manjaro by few more seconds.
Used Bios boot menu to access the drive
Noticed there's 1 sec of grub help pops up before booting into USB
Re attempt to install. Same error
Reformat drive manually with kpartition as GPT
I tried circumventing by formating in kpartition to get sdb1 and sdb2
Ran into mounting issue or the EFI.

So yeah.  I don't know what I have done wrong. Did my installation of arch linux mess with the drive? I cannot tell. It is strange it doesn't appear under device while using Dolphin file manager while using Manjaro. I kept theorizing that the device is not mounting into /dev/ but what your guys opinion.


Re: /dev/sdb not file or directory

Reply #2
output gives

sda with sda1 and sda2 with their fstype fsver label uuid fsavail fsusu mountpoint

sdb has blank line

sr0 with blank link

I tried removing it. boot into my manjaro to see if it left a ghost mount or something weird. it came out blank. no sdb. so i add it back in and reboot my machine. there's sdb again. then i attempt to reinstall. same error when attempting to cfdisk /dev/sdb/ .

I don't know if this helpful but i checked Device Viewer on my Info center. At bottom, UDI: /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/TS128GMTS400S_F4115510142. When select sdb, UDI: /org/freedesktop/UDisk2/block_devices/sdb

Surely the device is being mounted but not sure if manjaro is interfering the process =X

Re: /dev/sdb not file or directory

Reply #3
DEs have automounters which automatically mount drives. To mount the drives manually, you first need to unmount them by using the command umount.

It is strange that your drive is automounted as /dev/sdb, if you have a NVMe SSD drive it should be mounted as /dev/nvme*, and I think you might need nvme-cli:

That lsblk doesn't show partitions under /dev/sdb is further suspicious. Also, NVMe SSD drives should be automatically recognized as /dev/nvme*:
The Linux NVMe driver is natively included in the kernel since version 3.3. NVMe devices should show up under /dev/nvme*.

Extra userspace NVMe tools can be found in nvme-cli or nvme-cli-git.

Re: /dev/sdb not file or directory

Reply #4
I have to inform you that T440p M.2 drive slot uses sata drive not compatible to nvme.

Also I remember when I installed arch linux seems i installed it using  grub-install ––target=i386–pc.
It makes me think that the bios is not allowing me to access it when i attempt to install artix linux. But this is pure speculation from a new linux user.

Re: /dev/sdb not file or directory

Reply #5
I do not know what I am doing wrong. All logic would point out it is mounting. I just want to install base artix linux.

So I had the bright idea to use the ISO with DE to install and reinstall the base iso but it didnt work.
Here's the artix linux with Cinnamon DE
my bios boot menu after installing artix linux with DE. it placed Artix Linux at top which never happen when i had Arch Linux.
My attempt to install Artix Linux base ISO

I keep having this theory that Grub is messing with it. I always see Welcome to Grub pop up a split sec before booting into the USB thru the bios menu.

Re: /dev/sdb not file or directory

Reply #6
If you are using Manjaro to manage grub that could be your problem, as they constantly mess with it


Re: /dev/sdb not file or directory

Reply #7
If you are using Manjaro to manage grub that could be your problem, as they constantly mess with it
Yeah I kinda figure that out. The hint I got is I get auto log into artix linux, its grub menu refer manjaro as /dev/sdb

So I decided to remove the ssd drives that contains Manjaro and it installs just fine. I am guessing that Manjaro grub keep mounting the m.2 drive to its grub so its always occupied. lol now to deal with 3 entries into my efi menu.
The boot id GRUB contains the base artix linux install.

I'll learn how to edit the efi-menu.
I got the base artix installed. You can close this thread.