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Topic: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC (Read 1830 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC

I've been to the Artix wiki searching and cannot find a simple list of openRC terminal commands.  I've googled it and searched on openRC etc.  I find Arch, but they are different in many cases now that Arch as gone systemd.

Biggest issue now is getting error messages when I simply want to start or restart a service!  Like cups or one for a vpn (expressvpn).

How do I start a service in terminal emulator on openRC Artix? 

I type sudo service expressvpn restart and it yields "no such command service."  I'm frustrated that I have this amazing distro and can't run things from the command line.  The wiki is helpful for more complicated things having to do with editing things.. but please?  Just a list of terminal commands for openRC Artix?  (not Arch). 

~ hagg

EDITED: Title edited by admin to cantain the expressvpn.

Re: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC

Reply #4
Thank you and you can tell I'm new at this.. it is solved and thank you for marking it as such.  

The program I wanted to install (expressvpn) is not compatible with Artix, so my problem as posted became moot.  However I now know something new and will use it forever.   ;D

~ hagg

Re: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC

Reply #5
create a openrc init service is relative easy....
if you open the expressvpn.service, you can see:
Code: [Select]
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/expressvpnd --client-version 3.7.0 --client-build 29
same command use now expressvpnd.initd.

they put client version and client build into service, that´s pity, because this number changing every new version. in AUR is now expressvpn-

here you find a PKGBUILD for expressvpn-openrc, build it with "makepkg", install with "pacman -S" and don´t forget enable it via "rc-update add service runlevel"
but in future versions you should yourself change the numbers  in expressvpnd.initd. I do not use expressvpn, but i hope, that it will works.

Re: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC

Reply #6
and please remane this topic to expressvpn service for openRC, if the script will works, it will be more easier find it for another users.


Re: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC

Reply #7
and please remane this topic to expressvpn service for openRC, if the script will works, it will be more easier find it for another users.


I'll try you instructions before renaming the topic. 

~ hagg