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Topic: [SOLVED] Buggy KDE Desktop Theme (Read 3141 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

I'm using KDE with Breeze Dark Theme with the "Default" GTK Theme and this is the result.
If I use Artix-dark for the GTK Theme it's not noticeable, but it seems there are parts of the GTK theme that are being used for the plasma desktop.

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #2
When I do that the GTK applications theme switches to Breeze and there are still White bars with Black/Grey font.

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #3
Can't Artix copy off Manjaro Linux or KDE neon's solution to this? I don't have this problem on those distros.

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #4
This is how the Breeze Dark Theme looks like in Artix:

This is how Manjaro looks like with Breeze Dark Theme and Default GTK Application Style :

Artix takes some parts of the GTK Application Style and Mixes it with the Global Theme.
While Manjaro has isolated KDE and GTK Application Style, so I can have two different themes for GTK and KDE apps.
Can't the same be done with Artix? I'm not that tech savvy so I don't know the differences between Atix and Manjaro.
Except the init systems.

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #5

Just yesterday I installed Artix Linux XFCE OpenRC from the artix-xfce-openrc-20210426-x86_64.iso using Calamares.

I don't use Thunar, but Dolphin.

When choosing the Adwaita theme, I notice that the visual themes are mixed.
The background of Dolphin, Gimp, or some configuration windows is black...

I found an absolutely unscientific method to fix it (but it has been working for over a year):

Reinstall all the packages present.
sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Qnq)

After this "cure", all the colors are correct everywhere ... on condition of commenting (add # at the beginning of the line) in / etc / environment the two lines:

sudo mousepad /etc/environment

Personally, I change the background color of Dolphin:
edit ~/.config/kdeglobals and modify

mousepad ~/.config/kdeglobals

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #6
Can't try right now. The latest 4 updates did something to my runit system (I think) and now firefox, telegram and pamac won't start, and pacman -Syyu returns error: no usable package repositories configured.
I don't know what happened.

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #7
Can't try right now. The latest 4 updates did something to my runit system (I think) and now firefox, telegram and pamac won't start, and pacman -Syyu returns error: no usable package repositories configured.
I don't know what happened.
What does cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist say?

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #8
What does cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist say?

I don't think there's any problem there.
It says Generated on 2021-04-26 and Mirror list of Europe, North America and Asia Servers.

I get error when starting apps that says error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
It links to which is a zero byte file.

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #9
I get error when starting apps that says error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
It links to which is a zero byte file.
I am not an expert.
Have you installed packages from AUR or locally unsupported packages?

I leave the rest to the specialists ...


Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #10
I am not an expert.
Have you installed packages from AUR or locally unsupported packages?

I leave the rest to the specialists ...
No, I just updated some packages. My PC crashed later so maybe that's the reason.
I'll just reinstall. This was a new install anyway.

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #12
Especially if installation processes were in progress.
No, it didn't happen during the update idk
I commented out:
in  /etc/environment and now the theme works as it should!
But now I noticed another problem.
The cursor animation constantly changes between the default and breeze.

Re: Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #13
I get error when starting apps that says error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
It links to which is a zero byte file.
Delete and re-install at-spi2-core. No need to re-install the entire system.

I commented out:
in  /etc/environment and now the theme works as it should!
This is mentioned in the last paragraph of the wiki entry I linked in my previous post:
Our Gtk-based DEs use the QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME and QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE environment variables to control the appearance of Qt applications. Using an all-toolkit theme like Breeze or Artix-dark is recommended and no additional actions are needed to achieve visually appealing results. Otherwise, those variables may need to be disabled in /etc/environment. For some Qt applications that follow ~/.config/kdeglobals, you may need to delete the lines containing 'artix-dark' from it (or delete it).

Re: [SOLVED] Buggy KDE Desktop Theme

Reply #14
Delete and re-install at-spi2-core. No need to re-install the entire system.
I have this laptop that crashes often, so after I fixed it, it crashed again and at-spi2-core got corrupted again, but this time I already installed timeshift from AUR and had a btrfs snapshot ready.
Timeshift should have a package in the main repositories, because there are cases when I try to install a package from AUR like pamac-tray-icon-plasma where I get a compile error.
I can live without pamac-tray-icon-plasma but not without timeshift.
I used pamac-tray-appindicator but it seems it's not in the repositories anymore.