Dinit shell script for managing open-vm-tools with Dinit
Hi there, everyone!
After 2 hours of confusion, I present to you my very own Dinit script to manage open-vm-tools with this init system.
# vmtoolsd service
type = process
command = /usr/bin/vmtoolsd -b 555
logfile = /var/log/vmtoolsd.log
smooth-recovery = true
restart = true
depends-on = fuse # FUSE system service must be ready
I just need some help for making the -b switch a bit more dynamic and being able to figure out free PID numbers on your machine, and then some help to finally publish this script into the Artix repositories (mainly on how I could upload this script).
Other than that, I hope this will be one less headache for Dinit users from now on.