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Topic: [SOLVED] libtraceevent numbers cause version confusion (Read 555 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] libtraceevent numbers cause version confusion

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warning: libtraceevent: local (1:1.3.0-1) is newer than galaxy (5.11-1.1)

$ sudo pacman -S libtraceevent
warning: downgrading package libtraceevent (1:1.3.0-1 => 5.11-1.1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing libtraceevent (5.11-1.1) breaks dependency '' required by libtracefs
:: installing libtraceevent (5.11-1.1) breaks dependency '' required by trace-cmd

Re: libtraceevent numbers cause version confusion

Reply #2
should be solved now, we remove it from our repo... you should install 1.3.0 from archlinux only


Re: [SOLVED] libtraceevent numbers cause version confusion

Reply #3
Thank you, that was very fast, brilliant, no warnings on upgrades now.