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Topic: How do i learn runit? (Read 884 times) previous topic - next topic
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How do i learn runit?

How can i convert a systemd system file to a runit one?
How can i make a runit runsv?
How do i configure a runit runsv to run under a specific user?
Manual pages/docs, or anyting that cloud help me understand runit

Re: How do i do a runnit servie file?

Reply #1
Create a folder at /etc/runit/sv named after your service (eg: /etc/runit/sv/mydaemon)

Inside that folder, create a file named run. The simplest systemd files map to run file like this:

Code: [Select]
Description=My daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mydaemon --option

Code: [Select]
exec /usr/bin/mydaemon --option

Then you enable with rsm, do the ln -s stuff, etc.

This will work only for very simple systemd units, and afaik there's nothing like for runit, so you'll have to tell us what service you're trying to convert so we can help you make a proper, equivalent run file.

Re: How do i do a runnit servie file?

Reply #3
If that's the case, here's a tentative, untested run file:
Code: [Select]
[ -r /etc/default/tailscaled ] && . /etc/default/tailscaled
/usr/sbin/tailscaled --cleanup
exec /usr/sbin/tailscaled --state=/var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.state \
  --socket=/run/tailscale/tailscaled.sock --port "$PORT" $FLAGS

But we have a problem. It's a type notify service, which means it tells systemd when it's ready using a systemd-specific API. Though my testing suggests it just falls back to not notifying systemd (or the fact that I have elogind tricks it).

Re: How do i do a runnit servie file?

Reply #5
I bet it is this one. There was no need to create a separate thread, IMHO.
I was thinking of using from the aur so... I whanted to know how...
Code: [Select]
I will leave the source for this one, but i want to know where to find these infos
Code: [Select]
Description=TUI display manager
After=systemd-user-sessions.service plymouth-quit-wait.service
[email protected]

