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Topic: using AUR in artix (Read 21837 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #30
no, i mean this
archlinux/artixlinux generally is not a distribution for newbies, but for advaced users...

i never used Manjaro, becase i went learn linux, not clicking :D (in my newbies time was born archlinux, manjaro don't existed) I want the user to learn at least the basics of Linux, respectively basics of ArchLinux. Why use Manjaro? Use Ubuntu or Windows "Click, Click, click, Done, I don't know what it does, but something does".

My intence is - as we say "I don't give you a fish but I will learn how fishing"

So for me I it is "difficult" and I need time to find out, which "programm"or "commands" is in which package.

Code: [Select]
pacman -Fy
Code: [Select]
pacman -F package
show exactly, which command is in which package

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #31

*gg* From there I have the Information I wrote above ;)
Quote from: Thats_me
Now, for me it ist a little horror to find out, which packet I have to use from Artix (system, world, galaxy) an which ones are extra or community from Arch.

archlinux/artixlinux generally is not a distribution for newbies, but for advaced users...
Ok, then I should deinstall Artix an go back to Manjaro ;)

i never used Manjaro, becase i went learn linux, not clicking :D (in my newbies time was born archlinux, manjaro don't existed) I want the user to learn at least the basics of Linux, respectively basics of ArchLinux. Why use Manjaro? Use Ubuntu or Windows "Click, Click, click, Done, I don't know what it does, but something does".

Nice for you. I think it is good, when more and more people change to Linux, Artix, Manjaro or Arch ;)And also to Ubuntu, Mint an other. Important is for me that they move to Linux. Better than keep on Microsoft.
So give them a chance.

My intence is - as we say "I don't give you a fish but I will learn how fishing"

This are nice "welcome words" for interested users. Slowly I am a little bit offended.
Do you know me? Do I float the Forum with questions which have the impession I read nothing an want to serve me all solutions on silver tray?

Thank you!
Code: [Select]
pacman -Fy
Code: [Select]
pacman -F package
show exactly, which command is in which package

Shame on my head, that I don't know all pacman parameters. mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti mobile
loaded: amdgpu,ati,modesetting,nouveau
Kernel: up to date
DM: Xfce

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #32
Ok, now you're offended because I dared to write that you have something new to learn, i understand...  :D  :D

the most powerful weapon at manjaro is perhaps clicking, the most powerful weapon archlinux has always been reading the wiki. e.g.
That's what I was trying to say you.. Too bad you didn't understand and you were offended instead.

I don't think it makes sense to continue the next conversation.

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #33
I think there were some missunderstandings.

When after few questions - äh correct I made comments about my starter problems - I get told RTFM, I feel not good.

It is ok and important, to say the people that they have to learn about the OS!
Especially it is clear they did't read anything and ask a lot of questions they could find easy by themselves.
For my feeling this announcement came a little bit early. That is all. So I told you only my feeling.

I asked 4 Questions. 2 before Installing and 2 after installing. (AUR and sudoedit)
One of my question is already not replyed.
And I wrote, that I found own solution after first boot with blinking cursor.

So please do not be so strictly with me and give me a chance.
The heavy things comes soon, because of nVidia driver. I hope I can risk to ask anymore.

I hope nevertheless there will be a good relationship in future.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti mobile
loaded: amdgpu,ati,modesetting,nouveau
Kernel: up to date
DM: Xfce


Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #34
IF English is not your 1st language you may not be understanding the advice given  we also have a problem with your questions its no big deal if you are not sure just ask again or post in your own language