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Topic: [SOLVED] Unable to install some common packages (Read 5540 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Unable to install some common packages


I just installed Artix Linux OpenRC XfCE using Calamares on one of my partitions.
Everything went well and I think I uncommented the correct repositories in /etc/pacman.conf (see copy attached).

Then I updated everything with:
sudo pacman -Syyu

It was when I wanted to add a series of packages that I got this message:

:: The following packages cannot be updated due to unsolvable dependencies: gimp inkscape libreoffice-still-en libreoffice-still scribus xsane-gimp


If I try to install gimp for example:
$ sudo pacman -Sy gimp
[sudo] password for jp:
:: Synchronization of package databases ...
 system 260.4 KiB 1598 KiB / s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 world 1799.2 KiB 9.55 MiB / s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 the universe is up to date
 galaxy 1737.1 KiB 9.27 MiB / s 00:00 [########################] 100%
 additional is up to date
 the community is up to date
dependency resolution ...
warning: ignore package libmypaint-1.6.1-1
warning: ignore package libmypaint-1.6.1-1
warning: cannot resolve "libmypaint", a dependency of "gimp"
warning: ignore package libmypaint-1.6.1-1
warning: ignore package libmypaint-1.6.1-1
warning: cannot resolve "libmypaint <2", a dependency of "mypaint-brushes1"
warning: cannot resolve "mypaint-brushes1", a dependency of "gimp"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unsolvable dependencies:

:: Do you want to ignore the above package for this upgrade? [we]


I tried to understand, because on my other partition I have the exact same version of Artix Linux and the /etc/pacman.conf file is the same. There, I can reinstall these packages after emptying the pacman cache ...

I installed artix-archlinux-support and I don't have an / etc / arch-release file

There must be something as big as a mountain that I can't see ...

In attached file: my /etc/pacman.conf

Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #1
Try pacman -Syu first then try install gimp

Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #3
i guess, your problem happens, because you have not enabled archlinux's extra repo, which cause this problem... if you enable archlinux's community repo, you must enable extra too, not only community, otherwise you break the updates

edit: not sure what additional repo is .... Please never translate your output from terminal!!

Code: [Select]
[picasso alois]# pacman -Sy gimp
:: Synchronizuje se databáze balíčků...
 system is up to date
 world is up to date
 galaxy                                     1737,2 KiB  2,12 MiB/s 00:01 [########################################] 100%
 lib32 is up to date
 extra                                      1562,7 KiB  2,17 MiB/s 00:01 [########################################] 100%
 community                                     5,6 MiB  5,48 MiB/s 00:01 [########################################] 100%
 universe is up to date
řeší se závislosti..
kontrola konfliktních balíčků...

Balíčky  (8) graphviz-2.47.2-1  gts-  libmypaint-1.6.1-1  libwmf-0.2.12-2  mypaint-brushes1-1.3.1-1
             netpbm-10.73.33-1  poppler-data-0.4.10-1  gimp-2.10.24-4

Celková velikost ke stažení:      31,35 MiB
Celková velikost po instalaci:   150,59 MiB

:: Pokračovat v instalaci? [A/n]
:: Stahují se balíčky...
 libmypaint-1.6.1-1-x86_64                   231,7 KiB   839 KiB/s 00:00 [########################################] 100%
 libwmf-0.2.12-2-x86_64                     1901,5 KiB  1794 KiB/s 00:01 [########################################] 100%
 mypaint-brushes1-1.3.1-1-any               1318,2 KiB  1844 KiB/s 00:01 [########################################] 100%
 poppler-data-0.4.10-1-any                     2,1 MiB  1562 KiB/s 00:01 [########################################] 100%
 netpbm-10.73.33-1-x86_64                   1866,8 KiB  1674 KiB/s 00:01 [########################################] 100%
 gts-                   211,0 KiB  1507 KiB/s 00:00 [########################################] 100%
 graphviz-2.47.2-1-x86_64                      3,9 MiB  1678 KiB/s 00:02 [########################################] 100%
 gimp-2.10.24-4-x86_64                        20,0 MiB  1762 KiB/s 00:12 [########################################] 100%
 Total (8/8)                                  31,3 MiB  1629 KiB/s 00:20 [########################################] 100%
(8/8) kontrola klíčů v klíčence                                          [########################################] 100%
(8/8) kontrola integrity balíčků                                         [########################################] 100%
(8/8) načítání balíčku                                                   [########################################] 100%
(8/8) kontrola konfliktů souborů                                         [########################################] 100%
(8/8) kontrola volného místa na disku                                    [########################################] 100%
:: Zpracovávání změn balíčku...
(1/8) instalace libmypaint                                               [########################################] 100%
(2/8) instalace libwmf                                                   [########################################] 100%
Volitelné závislosti pro libwmf
    gdk-pixbuf2: for pixbuf loader[nainstalovaný]
(3/8) instalace mypaint-brushes1                                         [########################################] 100%
(4/8) instalace poppler-data                                             [########################################] 100%
(5/8) instalace netpbm                                                   [########################################] 100%
(6/8) instalace gts                                                      [########################################] 100%
(7/8) instalace graphviz                                                 [########################################] 100%
Volitelné závislosti pro graphviz
    mono: sharp bindings
    guile: guile bindings[nainstalovaný]
    lua: lua bindings
    ocaml: ocaml bindings
    perl: perl bindings[nainstalovaný]
    python: python bindings[nainstalovaný]
    r: r bindings
    tcl: tcl bindings
    qt5-base: gvedit[nainstalovaný]
    gtk2: gtk output plugin[nainstalovaný]
    xterm: vimdot
(8/8) instalace gimp                                                     [########################################] 100%
Volitelné závislosti pro gimp
    gutenprint: for sophisticated printing only as gimp has built-in cups print support
    poppler-glib: for pdf support[nainstalovaný]
    alsa-lib: for MIDI event controller module[nainstalovaný]
    curl: for URI support[nainstalovaný]
    ghostscript: for postscript support[nainstalovaný]
:: Spouští se volání po transakcích...
(1/4) Warn about old perl modules
(2/4) Probing GDK-Pixbuf loader modules...
(3/4) Updating icon theme caches...
(4/4) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...
have you installed older version of  mypaint-brushes?
outdated mirror??

Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #4
Everything went well and I think I uncommented the correct repositories in /etc/pacman.conf (see copy attached).

I installed artix-archlinux-support and I don't have an / etc / arch-release file

Did you merge the pacman.conf.pacnew?
The new default pacman.conf installed doesn't have any arch repos commented.

The /etc/arch-release is provided by artix-archlinux-support package, it replaces the previous now obsolete arch-release-dummy-package..
It will probably expand to also include systemd provides, ie the package becomes a glue package to support systemd enabled packages from arch.

My guess would be, you use an outdated mirror.

Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #5

Thanks to you and Alium for looking into my problem.

Did you merge the pacman.conf.pacnew?
Merge it with etc / pacman.conf?
I modified /etc/pacman.conf by uncommenting two arch repositories (see my attached file above)

The new default pacman.conf installed doesn't have any arch repos commented.
It's very dangerous, isn't it?

The /etc/arch-release is provided by artix-archlinux-support package, it replaces the previous now obsolete arch-release-dummy-package..
It will probably expand to also include systemd provides, ie the package becomes a glue package to support systemd enabled packages from arch.

Oh là là !

My guess would be, you use an outdated mirror.
It has also seemed to me for a while that there is a problem with the repositories that I have activated.
But whatever, because I will reinstall from scratch since xorg could not even start this morning.  :)

So if I understood correctly, once the system is reinstalled I:
- update the sudo pacman -Syyu system
- that I install artix-archlinux-support
- after that ?

Sorry to bother you with my lazy questions.
I searched the wiki, but couldn't find anything ...

Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #6
i guess, your problem happens, because you have not enabled archlinux's extra repo, which cause this problem... if you enable archlinux's community repo, you must enable extra too, not only community, otherwise you break the updates

It seems to me that I did it well (see my attached file above).

edit: not sure what additional repo is .... Please never translate your output from terminal!!

Sorry, my terminal output was in English, but I accidentally pasted it into Google Translate  :-[

have you installed older version of  mypaint-brushes?

outdated mirror??
No doubt ... (see my answer to artoo).

Thank you very much for your conclusions.
I will reinstall, because I believe I created a nice mess.

Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #7
Why reinstall?

I guess the question you should ask yourself, "do I really need the arch repos?"
And, "do I know which package comes from arch that I use?"

To find out, disable arch repos in pacman.conf.
Then run
Code: [Select]
pacman -Qm

The output will show you any package that does not come from any online repo.
That can either be from arch or AUR.

I am not sure why people are so crazy to enable arch repos, I know there is FF and TB currently in arch extra only.
We are working on a solution for a browser, but this has to be well considered in terms of server resources and busy times.

I think the solution is to use a different mirror, that should do the trick, rankmirrors can help there.

It is also helpful to uncomment

Code: [Select]

 in pacman.conf.

I would really recommend you merge in the changes from pacman.conf.pacnew, you atm still use the conf from pacman 5.
These changes are not only removed arch repos, but new options as well.

Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #8
The system was freshly installed, but the graphics server did not start anymore.
I didn't have the skills to fight with xorg

I guess the question you should ask yourself, "do I really need the arch repos?"
And, "do I know which package comes from arch that I use?"
As two arch repositories were activated in the system from which I am writing, I thought I would do well by doing the same in the new system ...

To find out, disable arch repos in pacman.conf.
Then run
Code: [Select]
pacman -Qm
The output will show you any package that does not come from any online repo.
That can either be from arch or AUR.
I have a dozen on my current system ...

I am not sure why people are so crazy to enable arch repos, I know there is FF and TB currently in arch extra only.

We are working on a solution for a browser, but this has to be well considered in terms of server resources and busy times.

I cannot do without TB.
Maybe I can install it from AUR?
Or a "stand alone" version?

I think the solution is to use a different mirror, that should do the trick, rankmirrors can help there.
I had tried, but without success.

It is also helpful to uncomment

Code: [Select]

 in pacman.conf.

I would really recommend you merge in the changes from pacman.conf.pacnew, you atm still use the conf from pacman 5.
These changes are not only removed arch repos, but new options as well.
I note.

Thank you !


Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #9
thunderbird (our thuderbird-artix have disable telemetry) is in our universe, some browsers are here too... look librewolf or firedragon (=firefox without tracking, more secure and privacy)

Re: Unable to install some common packages

Reply #10
thunderbird (our thuderbird-artix have disable telemetry) is in our universe, some browsers are here too... look librewolf or firedragon (=firefox without tracking, more secure and privacy)
Ok, I learned on this forum that librewolf is now in universe, but I didn't know about thunderbird-artix.

I found the page where everything is clearly explained to activate the arch repositories.
It seems to me that I must have missed the following warning:
"Warning! If you add archlinux's [community] repo, you must add [extra] repo too, otherwise you break some updates!"

So I reinstalled and updated everything.
Then I followed the instructions on this wiki page to activate the arch extra and community repositories.
For now, I still need these two repositories.

I mark the topic as resolved and thank you very much for your help!

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to install some common packages

Reply #11
This is what I have from extra, community and multilib (I don't use Firefox or Chromium as my main browser but they are useful for comparison testing and fallback if needed.)
Some of these seem quite essential or important and don't have equivalents. Surely gparted is on some iso's too, so everything from the isos isn't in the Artix repos yet?
Code: [Select]
$ grep -Fxvf <(sort qm-aur.txt) <(sort qm-arch+aur.txt)
alsa-tools 1.2.5-1
apitrace 10.0-1
arp-scan 1.9.7-1
bcg729 1.1.1-1
checksec 2.4.0-1
chromium 91.0.4472.77-2
exa 0.10.1-1
firefox 89.0-1
glib-perl 1.329.3-2
gparted 1.3.0-4
gpicview 0.2.5-6
guile2.0 2.0.14-5
hexedit 1.5-1
jhead 3.04-1
libtraceevent 1:1.3.0-1
libtracefs 1.2.0-1
ltrace 0.7.3-4
lucene++ 3.0.8-1
nmap 7.91-1
nvidia-cg-toolkit 3.1-6
perl-extutils-depends 0.8001-2
pixz 1.0.7-2
png++ 0.2.10-2
poedit 1:2.4.3-1
ps_mem 3.13-1
putty 0.75-1
rmlint 2.10.1-2
terminator 2.1.1-2
trace-cmd 2.9.3-2
wine-gecko 2.47.2-1
wine-mono 6.1.1-1
wireshark-cli 3.4.5-1
xdotool 3.20160805.1-3
xorg-docs 1.7.1-3
xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.3-7
xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.3-7
xorg-smproxy 1.0.6-3
xorg-x11perf 1.6.1-2
xorg-xbacklight 1.2.3-2
xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.5-3
xorg-xcursorgen 1.0.7-2
xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.2-4
xorg-xdriinfo 1.0.6-2
xorg-xev 1.2.4-1
xorg-xgamma 1.0.6-3
xorg-xkbevd 1.1.4-3
xorg-xkbutils 1.0.4-4
xorg-xlsatoms 1.1.3-2
xorg-xlsclients 1.1.4-2
xorg-xpr 1.0.5-2
xorg-xrefresh 1.0.6-2
xorg-xvinfo 1.1.4-2
xorg-xwd 1.0.7-2
xorg-xwininfo 1.1.5-2
xorg-xwud 1.0.5-2

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to install some common packages

Reply #12
Code: [Select]
pacman -Si gparted 
it's in our repo

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to install some common packages

Reply #13
You're 100% right - but when I tried that just now it only came up in extra, until I did -Syu then it was in world too, although with a build date of 07-Jun-2021 17:34 it could be a recent addition.
The last time I ran -Syu before this was:
[2021-06-07T12:02:39+0100] [PACMAN] Running '/usr/bin/pacman --color always -S -y -u'
so unless it was some other glitch I was quite outdated there, sorry.  :D
Shows how fast these things can change though.

Re: [SOLVED] Unable to install some common packages

Reply #14
I am not sure why people are so crazy to enable arch repos

Well, it´s not crazyness but the need of packages not available in Artix repos. I wolud appreciate disabling the Arch repos but where to get the missing packages? Everything you need is in Artix repos? How do you handle this?
I also have few packages from AUR like drivers for printer and so on. The only thing I can do before installing is to have look at the needed dependencies. If finding systemd there I don´t install it. But, like we all know, there are more and more of them.

Sorry for hijacking this thread. Maybe I should have opened a new one.