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Topic: Recommendations on How to Hibernate with OpenRC (Read 1547 times) previous topic - next topic
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Recommendations on How to Hibernate with OpenRC

I've been postponing adding hibernation forever with my current Artix OpenRC setup. Mostly it's because I'm very insecure about trying it. I just can't seem to find any comprehensive tutorials on this topic anywhere when it comes to OpenRC, and not even good ones for Systemd.

Does anyone have a link or a simple recipe for this? The closest I've got so far was this video, but it's nothing much anyway.

Re: Recommendations on How to Hibernate with OpenRC

Reply #2
I wish I had the stomach to go through that whole tutorial for my first time doing it, it seems so dangerous if you make a mistake.

I think I'll probably wait for Ermanno Ferrari or some other good Linux YouTuber to make a video on the topic, I guess then.

Re: Recommendations on How to Hibernate with OpenRC

Reply #3
All you need is:

1. A swap partition, say /dev/sda3
2. Add 'resume' to HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
3. Add 'resume=/dev/sda3' to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub
4. Re-create initrd and grub.cfg: grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg && mkinitcpio -P
5. Profit

Re: Recommendations on How to Hibernate with OpenRC

Reply #4
Thanks for the nice outline, @nous. Do you know if there are any serious risks to the integrity of my system if I make a mistake? If so, could you briefly list them? Or am I just being paranoid?

Re: Recommendations on How to Hibernate with OpenRC

Reply #5
Using a swap partition, the worst that could happen is you plugging external media, it getting recognized as /dev/sda, and you overwriting the one its partitions. However, it's very unlikely, and the risk becomes zero if you use the UUID (printed when you run mkswap) instead of the /dev/sdXY.

Re: Recommendations on How to Hibernate with OpenRC

Reply #6
What @capezotte said. I use labels instead of UUIDs though, ROOT for / and SWAP for my swap partition. The entries then become /dev/disk/by-label/SWAP instead of /dev/sda3.