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Topic: [SOLVED] signature from "Artix Buildbot is unknown trust (Read 1926 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] signature from "Artix Buildbot is unknown trust

I had to replace the old hard drive for a new one.
And therefore I had to set a new version of Artix S6, but as a result I received a problem with updating and installing the necessary programs.
When I try to upgrade or install something through the terminal, the system shows the message ": Signature from" Artix Buildbot <[email protected]> "IS Unknown Trust", "GLIB2: Signature from" Artix Buildbot <[email protected]> "IS Unknown TRUST" and "File <.......>. PKG.Tar.ZST is damaged (incorrect or damaged package (PGP signature))"
As a result, I can't install anything nor update anything.
How can this problem be solved?


Re: signature from "Artix Buildbot <[email protected]>" is unknown trust.

Reply #2

My bet is, you simply did not initialize the pacman keyring and populate it with the artix keyring.
Thank you, of course, for your quick response, but ...
This happened when installing the system. I myself did nothing and did not change anything.
I already installed the systems not the first time, but I have never done any manipulations with keys.
I will be glad to a good advice that can really help solve my problem instead of demolishing the entire system.

Re: signature from "Artix Buildbot <[email protected]>" is unknown trust.

Reply #4
You must try really hard to demolish the entire system. For starters, try to change your primary mirror and see if that helps.
I think you're right. Most likely, I'll have to do so - remove the entire system.

Re: signature from "Artix Buildbot <[email protected]>" is unknown trust.

Reply #7
Thanks, but I've already tried everything and this one too. The result is the same.
P.S. I tried to repeat this just now and ... it seems to work!
I'll take a look, try to install something, but the update went through without errors. Mystic.
In any case, many thanks for your help!