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Topic: [FIXED] Can't install jre-openjdk and jdk-openjdk from gremlins repo (Read 1145 times) previous topic - next topic
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[FIXED] Can't install jre-openjdk and jdk-openjdk from gremlins repo

warning: cannot resolve "", a dependency of "jre-openjdk-headless"
warning: cannot resolve "jre16-openjdk-headless=16.0.1-1", a dependency of "jre-openjdk"
warning: cannot resolve "jre16-openjdk=16.0.1-1", a dependency of "jdk-openjdk"
warning: cannot resolve "", a dependency of "jre-openjdk-headless"
warning: cannot resolve "jre16-openjdk-headless=16.0.1-1", a dependency of "jre-openjdk"
:: The following packages cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
      jdk-openjdk  jre-openjdk

Re: Can't install jre-openjdk and jdk-openjdk from gremlins repo

Reply #1
There is a typo in depends section in jre-openjdk-headless package.
In Arch repos it is
In Artix repos it is

Re: Can't install jre-openjdk and jdk-openjdk from gremlins repo

Reply #2
hi, thanks for report!
where exactly you see that?
There is a typo in depends section in jre-openjdk-headless package.
In Arch repos it is
In Artix repos it is
PKGBUILD in artix should be exactly copy of archlinux PKGBUILD (i just copyied it, not modified)

Re: Can't install jre-openjdk and jdk-openjdk from gremlins repo

Reply #4
Yeah, but last build seems to have failed and the reported error is present in testing.

Re: Can't install jre-openjdk and jdk-openjdk from gremlins repo

Reply #5
another version of java-openjdk in testing, please test it