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Topic: Mysql problem [SOLVED] (Read 1047 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mysql problem [SOLVED]

Hello and thank you for this great distro.
 I have been using XFCE S6.
 Just installed Xamp, Mysql won't start.
opt/lampp/bin/mysqld_safe_helper: Can't create/write to file '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/artix.err' (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied")
/opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server: 264. ред:kill: (7405) - Нема таквог процеса (no such process)

XAMPP: Starting MySQL.../opt/lampp/lampp: ред 150: hostname: нема такве наредбе (no such command)

Re: Mysql problem

Reply #1
Don't use *AMP, and don't use MySQL. Use MariaDB, the successor to MySQL. Artix has its own packages for MariaDB for all inits, so you need to install:
  • mariadb
  • mariadb-<your_init>: for example, mariadb-openrc, mariadb-s6...

P.S: The hostname program is in the package inetutils, which you could find out by using the following command:
Code: [Select]
$ for pkg in `pkgfile hostname`; do pkgfile -l $pkg; done | grep hostname | grep bin
system/inetutils        /usr/bin/hostname

Re: Mysql problem

Reply #2
sorry, but we are here not support center,  xampp nor mysql is in our repo nor in archlinux. i am very sorry... AUR package with systemd are for advanced user,  which know what to do (installing xampp is not enough, you need configure it, initialize db and run service)

P. S. for Maria DB is help here, which was mention in comments too.

Re: Mysql problem

Reply #3
I know how to work with Xampp, thank you for your concern. Question was why Apache was started sucsessfuly, and not MySql. I don't need support regarding using Xampp.

Re: Mysql problem

Reply #4
It seems that it works, it displays "error 150 hostname, no such command", but it works.