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Topic: Installation help: Open-RC with KDE desktop (Read 781 times) previous topic - next topic
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Installation help: Open-RC with KDE desktop

Hello, I am new to the forum so sorry if this is not the right bard for this.

Been trying to install Artix for about 2 days, everything was going smooth, until now.
I am currently trying to install a desktop enviroment (KDE in this case), but I am unable to proceed, as the guide is not that helpful on these steps.

The commands I ran are:

At this point, rebooting clearly isn't the right thing to do.
I need to somehow use xorg to load Plasma, and probably some other steps I am not aware of.
Thought that the Arch wiki would give me a hand, but sadly that wasn't the case.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help  :-* .

Re: Installation help: Open-RC with KDE desktop

Reply #1
You probably need to install some Display Manager (DM) and enable its service.
You can try sddm as shown on wiki article you posted in attachment.

Or you can do your own research and find what is best for you.

The other way is to start your Desktop Environment (DE) from $HOME/.xinitrx and use startx to start X server after you logged in the terminal session. But my recommendation is to use Display Manager to do this job for you since you do not know much about it at the moment.


Re: Installation help: Open-RC with KDE desktop

Reply #2
Install sddm-openrc, this should also install sddm.

Then set sddm to start via openrc:

Code: [Select]
rc-update add sddm default

Re: Installation help: Open-RC with KDE desktop

Reply #3
Install sddm-openrc, this should also install sddm.

Then set sddm to start via openrc:

Code: [Select]
rc-update add sddm default

Thank you this worked perfectly!

Now it's time to get a login manager and customize the desktop to my liking :)