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Topic: Systemd dependencies preventing system update (Read 1786 times) previous topic - next topic
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Systemd dependencies preventing system update

I'm probably missing something obvious here. I get the following error when trying to update:

Code: [Select]
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing lib32-elogind (246.10-2) breaks dependency 'lib32-systemd' required by lib32-libnm
:: installing lib32-elogind (246.10-2) breaks dependency 'lib32-systemd' required by lib32-pipewire
:: installing artix-archlinux-support (1-6) breaks dependency 'libsystemd' required by python-systemd
error installing repo packages

This appeared about a week ago. I appreciate any help.

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #1
Enable lib32/multilib repositories.

Install lib32-artix-archlinux-support.

edit: apologies for double-post.

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #2
Hmm, I have these repositories enabled but I still get the same error. I also can't install lib32-artix-archlinux-support.

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #3
Why on earth do you have python-systemd installed?

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #4
I don't remember installing it. Maybe I downloaded some AUR package and it was a dependency.

Edit: Yep, python-systemd was installed because I installed python-protonvpn-nm-lib from AUR (which depends on systemd). I removed that package and python-systemd, so that was easy.

Now it seems that lib32-libnm and lib32-pipewire are dependencies for steam-native-runtime from multilib repo. What can I do about them?

I also get this error when trying to install lib32-artix-archlinux-support:

Code: [Select]
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: lib32-artix-archlinux-support and lib32-elogind are in conflict (lib32-systemd). Remove lib32-elogind? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'lib32-elogind' required by lib32-artix-archlinux-support
:: removing lib32-elogind breaks dependency 'lib32-elogind' required by lib32-dbus
:: removing lib32-elogind breaks dependency 'lib32-elogind' required by lib32-libgudev
:: removing lib32-elogind breaks dependency 'lib32-elogind' required by lib32-libusb

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #5
Well I mean why would you need python bindings for systemd? It's clearly something that shouldn't be on your system.

Edit: Woops, I missed your edit.

Now it seems that lib32-libnm and lib32-pipewire are dependencies for steam-native-runtime from multilib repo. What can I do about them?

Installing lib32-artix-archlinux-support should work for those although those packages seem like something worth importing to the lib32 repos (especially lib32-pipewire).

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #6
I think you missed my second edit :) I get the above error when installing lib32-artix-archlinux-support.

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #7
Why do you have lib32-systemd on your system? You clearly have several packages from arch's repos installed instead of the appropriate version from our lib32 repos. You should reinstall the packages from lib32 and use lib32-elogind instead of lib32-systemd.

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #8
Why do you have lib32-systemd on your system? You clearly have several packages from arch's repos installed instead of the appropriate version from our lib32 repos. You should reinstall the packages from lib32 and use lib32-elogind instead of lib32-systemd.

Apparently, lib32-elogind provided lib32-systemd in the past, but lib32-artix-archlinux-support now provides lib32-systemd instead, but depends on lib32-elogind, so it created a bit of a loop that couldn't be easily solved. I ended up having to uninstall every last package that depended on lib32-elogind, including that package itself, so that the system could download a new copy of lib32-elogind that did not provide lib32-systemd itself.

Code: [Select]
pacman -R lib32-dbus lib32-libgudev lib32-libusb lib32-dbus-glib lib32-libnm-glib lib32-libpulse lib32-pipewire  steam-native-runtime lib32-libcanberra lib32-libmikmod lib32-sdl_mixer lib32-elogind

That's what it took to remove everything on my system before installing lib32-artix-archlinux-support

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #9
Ok, thanks. I uninstalled all of multilib with
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rc `LANG=C pacman -Sl multilib | grep installed | cut -d ' ' -f 2`

I was then able to install lib32-artix-archlinux-support. Then install steam from lib32 repo. The systemd packages were most likely installed because I had installed steam-native-runtime from multilib repo.

In case anyone searches this thread:
multilib = arch lib32 repo
lib32 = artix lib32 repo

Oh and it seems I ended up doing almost the same thing as kazriko.

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #10
Ok, thanks. I uninstalled all of multilib with
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rc `LANG=C pacman -Sl multilib | grep installed | cut -d ' ' -f 2`

That seems more convenient. I just kept running the remove command and adding every package it complained about until it stopped complaining. :)

Re: Systemd dependencies preventing system update

Reply #12
An easier fix was to upgrade while installing lib32-artix-archlinux-support like
Code: [Select]
pacman -Syu lib32-artix-archlinux-support

Since it removes the dependency by upgrading lib32-elogind but it adds it by installing the support package you should have had no issue