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Topic: [Package Requirement] V2Ray (Read 596 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Package Requirement] V2Ray

I recently noticed that mirrors of archlinux are no longer depended by artixlinux. As a person who does not want to install unnecessary  packages, i lose a convenient way to install v2ray, v2ray-geoip and v2ray-domain-list-community.

V2Ray is an important package to break through nation-scale firewall, such as the GFW in China. It officially provides SystemD script and is included by archlinux. However, it is pretty easy to migrate V2Ray to other init systems. I can provide an OpenRC script for it:
Code: [Select]

depend() {
    need net

command_args="-config /etc/v2ray/config.json"

Re: [Package Requirement] V2Ray

Reply #1
These packages have been imported and scripts will be worked on, but for now once the mirrors sync, the packages will be available.

Edit: init scripts are now ready.