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Topic: Dolphin Support for PNGs [Regression from KDE5] (Read 322 times) previous topic - next topic
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Dolphin Support for PNGs [Regression from KDE5]


In KDE 5 I could preview PNGs in Dolphin, after upgrade PNG thumbnails are missing, despite the box for previewing PNGs checked on in Dolphin settings (see  screenshot)



Before anyone screams at me and says  "you are wrong again as you were before" or "it works on my pcmanfm", let me tell you. I was not wrong. Libraries were compiled on Artix wrong before (unlike Arch...). And why PNGs not displaying at my part where they are dipslaying at your setup? Because there is a BUG. Yep! A BUG. Your PNG is not the same PNG as mine.

$ gm identify:
and...  its 12 or 16 bit.

Yours may be 8-bit. And... my 8-bit PNG really DOES have a thumbnail in Dolphin.
So before you start calling me names, maybe you should think twice. And do not call me passive agressive.

On the other hand WEBP and AVIF.
kimageformats is probably missing ".so" for webp, which is now supported by qt6-imageformats (but not by kimageformats). Both in Gwenview and in Dolphin. On top the xxx-5 were not carried to xxxx-6 (without "-6" as is the naming convention, but nontheless the equivalents of xxx-5 libraries) with upgrade of Artix. Not my fault. I did not create pacman nor upgrade scripts, nor I've seen "manual intervention required".

As of AVIF support in Dolphin nothing supports it in KDE6 (Dolphin does not have thumbnails).

To top it up there is kdegraphics-thumbnailers which may be the culprit for missing thumbs in Dolphin (since Gwenview can display both thumbs and photos). So 'kdegraphics-thumbnailers' is for Dolphin only ? And kimageformats is for Gwenview?

And now qt6 supports webp so kimagefomrats and kdegraphics-thumbnailers have removed ".so" for webp? (That missing ".so" support happened before in Artix, but not in Arch, not in Manjaro. or Endeavour etc.).

Instead of calling me names and accusing of passive agressive maybe someoene should ask a question or test it first. Hadn't I offer to give some pics to test before and had been refused?

Re: Dolphin Support for PNGs [Regression from KDE5]

Reply #1
Maybe if you didn't have such an attitude you wouldn't get the negative responses you do occasionally?

And people can only test what you say against the files they possess. Provide links to specific files where it's only a specific format and / or encoding method for a particular file type which is not displaying. Or don't expect useful answers.

As it happens it seems there IS a problem with KDE 6 dolphin displaying thumbnails on certain formats of avifs. There are recently posted (unconfirmed) bug reports about it on if you care to look. I must have gotten lucky with with the one I tested the the other day ?
Today I noticed some avif's weren't displaying thumbnails so I checked a few things and then went to to have a look. Then thought "Ok going to be missing some avif thumbnails for a while until they fix it. No biggie"
Not thought "Right I better go on the the Artix forum and post". "Waaah! Artix KDE broken, Waaaah! you've compiled it wrong like the last time, Waaah! Works on Void, Arch , BEOS and my ZX81. Waaah! Waaah! MUMMY!"

Bugs with KDE are for KDE to fix.
As I've said before. Go whine at them.

And you are the one doing all the virtual screaming.
With all due respect, based on what you written above, you don't well understand how these programs and libraries tie together so are not in a position to apportion blame when they don't work.
Oh and make sure you have qt6-imageformats installed.


Re: Dolphin Support for PNGs [Regression from KDE5]

Reply #2

Thumbs all work.