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Topic: Sunshine :: Gamestream Server for Linux Hosts (Read 5019 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Sunshine :: Gamestream Server for Linux Hosts

Reply #16

bumping this old thread, just wanted to mention that recently I wanted to install Sunshine in a new setup I'm preparing with Artix Linux and unfortunately the available AUR packages seem to not be working anymore for our distro, a SystemD dependency is preventing them to compile. I followed these steps to successfully compile and install it:

- Clone the project from the Github repository.
- Edit Sunshine/cmake/packaging/linux.cmake according to what is described in this issue comment:
Code: [Select]
    install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sunshine.service"
endif ()
- Compile it according to the instructions.
- At this point the best idea should be to create a proper PKGINFO but I just generated a DEB file as the project instructions suggest and used the debtap tool to convert it to a suitable package for Artix Linux.

And that was it, I'm not using it as a service by now so not missing that. Is working very well to stream videogames and sharing the desktop.

PS. I think I manually installed the suggested dependencies, right now I don't have access to the system where I did this so I'm not sure the the resulting package takes into account that.
PS2. Yeah looked into the package and dependencies look good, so it's just a matter of setting building dependencies.