Re: How to install tar.gz file ?
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This might come in handy:
TLDP is a great traditional source of information on GNU/Linux.
Note 1: Under Artix (which is an Arch-based system), it is recommended to use pacman. However, the command
$ pacman -Ss discord | less
(more on pacman here) reveals that Discord package is in the community repository, which is an Arch repository. Arch repositories in Artix are only supported through a specific procedure. Even then, if it relies on systemd, it naturally won't work on a distro which is created specifically to avoid systemd.
Note 2: Take into consideration that Discord is an anti-privacy program. It is spying on its users.
Note 3: Even more packages are revealed in AUR (which is not officially supported, neither by Arch nor Artix), by using an AUR helper like yay or pikaur.
Note 4: All of this can be found through web search. Next time go through this checklist:,1923.0.html