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Topic: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde (Read 1938 times) previous topic - next topic
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Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

I applied the last upgrade for the Plasma/Kde environment on 2 different Notebook (my old Dell Inspiron 9400 and a new DELL Inspiron with a Kaby Lake CPU) and for both I've this error:

< Could not start kdeinit5 >  and the system is locked.

The message appear in an old style X dialog box and no way to do something. To restart I downgraded the packages. Below the packages that I downgrade:
Code: [Select]
Packages (71) attica-qt5-5.41.0-1  baloo-5.41.0-1  bluez-qt-5.41.0-1  breeze-icons-5.41.0-1  frameworkintegration-5.41.0-1  kactivities-5.41.0-1  kactivities-stats-5.41.0-1
              karchive-5.41.0-1  kauth-5.41.0-1  kbookmarks-5.41.0-1  kcmutils-5.41.0-1  kcodecs-5.41.0-1  kcompletion-5.41.0-1  kconfig-5.41.0-1  kconfigwidgets-5.41.0-1
              kcoreaddons-5.41.0-1  kcrash-5.41.0-1  kdbusaddons-5.41.0-1  kdeclarative-5.41.0-1  kded-5.41.0-1  kdelibs4support-5.41.0-1  kdesu-5.41.0-1  kdnssd-5.41.0-1
              kdoctools-5.41.0-1  kemoticons-5.41.0-1  kfilemetadata-5.41.0-1  kglobalaccel-5.41.0-1  kguiaddons-5.41.0-1  khtml-5.41.0-1  ki18n-5.41.0-1
              kiconthemes-5.41.0-1  kidletime-5.41.0-1  kinit-5.41.0-1  kio-5.41.0-1  kirigami2-5.41.0-1  kitemmodels-5.41.0-1  kitemviews-5.41.0-1  kjobwidgets-5.41.0-1
              kjs-5.41.0-1  kjsembed-5.41.0-1  knewstuff-5.41.0-1  knotifications-5.41.0-1  knotifyconfig-5.41.0-1  kpackage-5.41.0-1  kparts-5.41.0-1  kpeople-5.41.0-1
              kpty-5.41.0-1  kross-5.41.0-1  krunner-5.41.0-1  kservice-5.41.0-1  ktexteditor-5.41.0-1  ktextwidgets-5.41.0-1  kunitconversion-5.41.0-1  kwallet-5.41.0-1
              kwayland-5.41.0-1  kwidgetsaddons-5.41.0-1  kwin-5.11.4-2  kwindowsystem-5.41.0-1  kxmlgui-5.41.0-1  kxmlrpcclient-5.41.0-1  modemmanager-qt-5.41.0-1
              networkmanager-qt-5.41.0-1  oxygen-icons-1:5.41.0-1  plasma-framework-5.41.0-1  plasma-integration-5.11.4-2  prison-5.41.0-1  qqc2-desktop-style-5.41.0-1
              solid-5.41.0-1  sonnet-5.41.0-1  syntax-highlighting-5.41.0-1  threadweaver-5.41.0-1

All the packages are from the extra repo. Looking inside the extra repo I discover that the actual upgrade include also a lot of other packages (qt5 series, for example), but these packages don't appear with a standard sudo pacman -Syy. I suspect that these packages must be compilated inside the Artix repos and, probably, the origin of the error is cause the system is not aligned.

Anyway, Plasma 5/KDE, crash with this last upgrade and I've no idea where to look to try to find a solution. Any helps? :)

Re: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

Reply #1
I applied the last upgrade for the Plasma/Kde environment on 2 different Notebook (my old Dell Inspiron 9400 and a new DELL Inspiron with a Kaby Lake CPU) and for both I've this error:

< Could not start kdeinit5 >  and the system is locked.

The message appear in an old style X dialog box and no way to do something. To restart I downgraded the packages. Below the packages that I downgrade:
Code: [Select]
Packages (71) attica-qt5-5.41.0-1  baloo-5.41.0-1  bluez-qt-5.41.0-1  breeze-icons-5.41.0-1  frameworkintegration-5.41.0-1  kactivities-5.41.0-1  kactivities-stats-5.41.0-1
              karchive-5.41.0-1  kauth-5.41.0-1  kbookmarks-5.41.0-1  kcmutils-5.41.0-1  kcodecs-5.41.0-1  kcompletion-5.41.0-1  kconfig-5.41.0-1  kconfigwidgets-5.41.0-1
              kcoreaddons-5.41.0-1  kcrash-5.41.0-1  kdbusaddons-5.41.0-1  kdeclarative-5.41.0-1  kded-5.41.0-1  kdelibs4support-5.41.0-1  kdesu-5.41.0-1  kdnssd-5.41.0-1
              kdoctools-5.41.0-1  kemoticons-5.41.0-1  kfilemetadata-5.41.0-1  kglobalaccel-5.41.0-1  kguiaddons-5.41.0-1  khtml-5.41.0-1  ki18n-5.41.0-1
              kiconthemes-5.41.0-1  kidletime-5.41.0-1  kinit-5.41.0-1  kio-5.41.0-1  kirigami2-5.41.0-1  kitemmodels-5.41.0-1  kitemviews-5.41.0-1  kjobwidgets-5.41.0-1
              kjs-5.41.0-1  kjsembed-5.41.0-1  knewstuff-5.41.0-1  knotifications-5.41.0-1  knotifyconfig-5.41.0-1  kpackage-5.41.0-1  kparts-5.41.0-1  kpeople-5.41.0-1
              kpty-5.41.0-1  kross-5.41.0-1  krunner-5.41.0-1  kservice-5.41.0-1  ktexteditor-5.41.0-1  ktextwidgets-5.41.0-1  kunitconversion-5.41.0-1  kwallet-5.41.0-1
              kwayland-5.41.0-1  kwidgetsaddons-5.41.0-1  kwin-5.11.4-2  kwindowsystem-5.41.0-1  kxmlgui-5.41.0-1  kxmlrpcclient-5.41.0-1  modemmanager-qt-5.41.0-1
              networkmanager-qt-5.41.0-1  oxygen-icons-1:5.41.0-1  plasma-framework-5.41.0-1  plasma-integration-5.11.4-2  prison-5.41.0-1  qqc2-desktop-style-5.41.0-1
              solid-5.41.0-1  sonnet-5.41.0-1  syntax-highlighting-5.41.0-1  threadweaver-5.41.0-1

All the packages are from the extra repo. Looking inside the extra repo I discover that the actual upgrade include also a lot of other packages (qt5 series, for example), but these packages don't appear with a standard sudo pacman -Syy. I suspect that these packages must be compilated inside the Artix repos and, probably, the origin of the error is cause the system is not aligned.

Anyway, Plasma 5/KDE, crash with this last upgrade and I've no idea where to look to try to find a solution. Any helps? :),290.0.html

Re: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

Reply #2
My guess is you have world enabled without world-testing. Both world-testing and extra have qt5 5.10 instead of 5.9.

I reckon the devs will soon move the qt5 packages in world-testing to world.

Edit:Ninja'd by gavin17

In the meantime, either downgrade and wait or temporarily add world-testing to your /etc/pacman.conf and pacman -Syy .
Code: [Select]
# Double-Bleeding edge Artix repos
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# Artix repos
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# Arch repos, overriden and [core] disabled

#SigLevel = PackageRequired
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

Furthermore if you are going to keep arch's testing repo on, keep the artix's testing repositories (system-testing, world-testing, galaxy-testing, lib32-testing) on too. :) Good to have other beta-testers.

Re: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

Reply #4
Cool! Mark this and the other thread solved please. :)

Re: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

Reply #5
I repeated today the upgrade on a testing installation and:

* the upgrade using the standard repos don't work and the error is the same
* if I activate  the system-testing and the world-testing all is fine.

IMO this problem is not solved for the standard users; usually they don't have the testing up and running  :)

Re: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

Reply #6
A last warning. This update install also the last version of the btrfs-progs, but this version add a new dependency so, to complete correctly the installation you need to install the zstd-static from the AUR.

I did it with the command pacaur -S zstd-static and all is fine.

Re: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

Reply #7
This update install also the last version of the btrfs-progs, but this version add a new dependency so, to complete correctly the installation you need to install the zstd-static from the AUR.

You are correct when you said btrfs-progs adds a new dependency, but it wasn't zstd-static rather just zstd

At first after I saw this changes, I immediately add zstd into galaxy-testing repo since zstd was available in community repo. But now, after the changes that make zstd a depend for a core packages. Arch's devs has moved the package into core repo, so I have to follow the changes and moved it to system-testing (soon to system ) so artix users can have this package as well

In the meantime, to correctly complete the installation you have to enable galaxy-testing and install zstd from it, NOT grabbing from AUR
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

Reply #8

In the meantime, to correctly complete the installation you have to enable galaxy-testing and install zstd from it, NOT grabbing from AUR

I'll do and thanks :)

2ND STEP: I searched zstd in galaxy-testing and there isn't... :D

Re: Error upgrading Plasma/Kde

Reply #9
They are now in system-testing, as I have moed them recently
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!