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Topic: [SOLVED]Issue with blender dependencies (Read 1815 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED]Issue with blender dependencies

My blender refuses to start. Here's the message:
blender: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I checked for the openexr package and of course it is correct, I do not have openexr-3_0 but openexr-3.1.1-1 installed. I downgraded from cache:
sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/openexr-3.0.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
but now libiex is not the right version(which it would be with the up-to-date version of openexr):
blender: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I tried every package version from cache and updated blender to the newest version. Nothing worked.
- how is it possible, that blender does not work with any of the packages from cache(it worked a while ago, so there should be a working openexr in cache)?
- any hints on how to fix that?

as always, correct me if I'm wrong ;)

Re: Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #1
blender is in Arch's repo and looks like they didn't rebuild it for the openexr rebuild.

Re: Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #2
yes, i got it out of the arch repo. So I'd have to build it on myself then, I guess(of which I have no idea on how to :D)?
as always, correct me if I'm wrong ;)

Re: Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #3
yes, i got it out of the arch repo. So I'd have to build it on myself then, I guess(of which I have no idea on how to :D)?

That and/or file a bug report at Arch to let them know it needs a rebuild.

Re: Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #4
OK. Thanks for this hint. I'll see what I can do on the build it myself part then :D
as always, correct me if I'm wrong ;)

Re: [SOLVED]Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #5
So I'd have to build it on myself then, I guess(of which I have no idea on how to :D)?

There was topic recently with a similar question about Discord. First check any variation of INSTALL, INSTALL.txt,, README, in the source archive, and if that fails, general procedure on compiling and installing GNU/Linux programs from source.

Re: [SOLVED]Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #6
Thanks for the hints. I'll have a look at the linked documentation for that.
as always, correct me if I'm wrong ;)

Re: [SOLVED]Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #7
As my bug report got closed and I got advice to ask in the forum, here I am again...
Statement of the bug report: it is no bug, as the dependencies do not list
which is correct according to this

googling around and learning about things I stumbled upon ldd

I get this output:

[manoca@IT-MOB-MANOCA ~]$ ldd /usr/bin/blender | grep -i "openexr" => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f45a8616000) => not found

Can someone please explain why and/or give me a hint on what to read to learn more or less easily?
as always, correct me if I'm wrong ;)

Re: [SOLVED]Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #8
I installed blender and I have no issue launching it, so it's possible that your Arch and/or Artix mirror is out of date

Re: [SOLVED]Issue with blender dependencies

Reply #9
my mirror is out of date? I did a pacman -Syu, which should update them? Or am I wrong?
btw: for whatever reason blender is now working. I removed the blender package, and reinstalled it once more(this time I rebooted the machine as well) and now it works. Same version of blender and same version of openexr. So I do not understand why that is, but I think it's a BCAKE as always.
Thanks for all your hints and time :)
as always, correct me if I'm wrong ;)