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Rollback Linux kernel

I'm having a problem with my Nextcloud client on my 'other' Artix install. It started after the last update. On this PC it continues to work fine.
I suspect the update to the kernel may be the cause. I've tried various versions of the Nextcloud client.
This PC has kernel 5.14.2.artix1-2 whereas that one has 5.14.6.artix1-1.
I've been able to roll back to various versions of the Nextcloud client but am less certain about how to do that for the kernel. Hopefully I still have the install files for 5.14.2 on this PC. Where can I find them online if I don't?

Re: Rollback Linux kernel

Reply #1
You can install the linux-lts package and use the LTS kernel (currently 5.10), if you don't mind using it. Personally, I prefer using the LTS kernel with rolling release distros, because this causes less issues with updates.

Re: Rollback Linux kernel

Reply #2
Thanks for that. Took a while to realise I had to change the grub.cfg on my Manjaro partion for it to become visible!

Alas, my problem remains so I guess it's not the kernel!

Re: Rollback Linux kernel

Reply #3
Careful with the LTS kernel as a comparison btw, although it's often true, current stuff gets backported to it from the stable one so it's not just an old kernel, it might replicate the same bugs.
Here's the linux folder from the Artix old package archives:
Probably it is still in your /var/cache/pacman/pkg directory, also check /var/log/pacman.log to see what packages were upgraded at the same time, if it's not the kernel then it was one of the others.