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Topic: Init script for jellyfin media server (Read 1030 times) previous topic - next topic
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Init script for jellyfin media server

For a little bit I was stuck with systemd manjaro, but in that time I discovered jellyfin, a cool little media server.
When I went back to artix I was disappointed at the lack of an openrc init script for jellyfin, so I made one. I've never made an init script before, so this is definitely horribly flawed.
I'm looking for ways to improve this, from the community.

Code: [Select]
command_args="/usr/lib/jellyfin/jellyfin.dll --datadir ${JELLYFIN_DATA_DIRECTORY} --cachedir ${JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIRECTORY} ${JELLYFIN_ADD_OPTS}"


    need net
    need localmount
P.S. jellyfin isn't available in any of the default repos, turn to the AUR

Re: Init script for jellyfin media server

Reply #1
Use this website to convert systemd service into openrc service
Create problems which don't have solution