[SOLVED] Problems with lib32-pipewire and it's dependencies 16 October 2021, 04:21:17 Hi!So as the title sugests I've been having troubles with pipewire, the problem is that it asks for the lib32-systemd. I dont have it installed for obvious reasons.I've tried manually compiling from the aur and installing it from the lib32 repos with no success.I've seen another person who had the same problem here but his solution did not work for me, his solution was changing the pkgbuild and the .scrinfo so that it wouldn't ask for the systemd dependency. I also thing he changed a file called meson_build.txt but i couldn't find it. If it changes anything i use runitSorry for any spelling mistakes it's late and english is not my native language. Last Edit: 17 October 2021, 09:30:55 by nous
Re: Problems with lib32-pipewire and it's dependencies Reply #1 – 17 October 2021, 01:44:36 lib32-pipewire is now in repos