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Topic: [SOLVED] Pacman Cant Find Target (Read 1603 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Pacman Cant Find Target

I just installed Artix Cinnamon and have been trying to install Firefox:

Code: [Select]
[alan@mainbox ~]$ sudo pacman -S firefox
[sudo] password for alan:
error: target not found: firefox
[alan@mainbox ~]$

I've tried installing other software but get the same error: target not found. I've updated the system without problem. The databases have been synced. I'm at a loss.

Re: Pacman Cant Find Target

Reply #4
Thank you very much for your help.


Re: [SOLVED] Pacman Cant Find Target

Reply #5
There's an Artix build of Firefox in the Omniverse repo, also probably not enabled as default.