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Topic: [GREMLINS] (Read 3500 times) previous topic - next topic
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Ok, I said the word Gremlins in the forum first, I did not see a mention of it anywhere.
But if you had checked your new pacman.conf.pacnew you would find out that there is a new repository on order and it is placed above system.  Is Gremlins going to be an Artix clone?  It is empty as we speak and commented out on the conf file.

Is there another difference between .pacnew and pacman.conf, that is all I noticed.  Is there an easy/simple way to compare a conf with a conf.pacnew file, most of the tools I used are just as hard as opening them both with two windows side by side and comparing them line by line.


Reply #2
Thanks, weird, I did a search on the word gremlin and had no hits, then after I posted this I noticed artoo's thread on new pacman

No wonder people post new threads about the same thing all the time, the search is not to be trusted or just looks at titles and not content of posts.

I like gremlins  :)


Reply #3
Thanks, weird, I did a search on the word gremlin and had no hits, then after I posted this I noticed artoo's thread on new pacman

No wonder people post new threads about the same thing all the time, the search is not to be trusted or just looks at titles and not content of posts.

I like gremlins  :)

What about goblins?


Reply #4
What about them?    :P


Reply #7

unstable --> goblins
testing  --> gremlins

on system, galaxy, and lib32
Eventually on world too I presume?

By next year there will be no mirrorlist-arch  but there is a new mirrorlist in arch and artix hasn't copied that one over, I assume there are some changes for them to be publishing a new mirrorlist.


Reply #8
Based on what i read on the network...
basic gremlins repository will have "testing" packages for system and world,
i think the same way it has arch for core and extra
This should be done to copy the structure....



Reply #9
Based on what i read on the network...
basic gremlins repository will have "testing" packages for system and world,
i think the same way it has arch for core and extra
This should be done to copy the structure....

The reason behind, with old git repos, we could not move a single package from repo [X] to [Y], we could only move all packages in a pull request from testing to stable.
The new structure enabled flexible single package moving from repo [X] to [Y].